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Artist Spotlight with musician Neal Cranston

A Western student and musician with many talents 

Natalie Dean | Entertainment Editor

While majoring in history and minoring in geography at Western, senior Neal Cranston has still been able to build himself a strong audience for his music over the years. Cranston taught himself how to play the guitar, harmonica and has continuously developed 14 years of experience with the piano. He regularly explores different areas of music, but the piano is his favorite instrument to play. Cranston said he learned to “train the ear to play what you hear;” he admits it’s not the most traditional route to go when mastering instruments, but it’s kept his passion for music alive because of its organic roots.

He first found his passion for music in the third grade, where he began teaching himself to play piano by ear. He was first drawn to music on his own and spent time at home in Canby, OR ⏤ where he trained his ear to pick out melodies and practiced his piano skills. After he started honing his talents in different music genres and gaining more experience, a family friend encouraged him to take lessons and explore the scales on the piano. 

The years of his hard work have paid off, with his talents booking him in-person gigs at restaurants, weddings and wineries. Cranston described one of his favorite experiences which occurred last December. He was playing Christmas music on a beautiful grand piano at a winery and saw CJ McCollum from the Portland Trailblazers in the audience. 

When he isn’t playing for venues or famous basketball players, Cranston works on his own music, and even released his first single, “Make it Without You,” this September on all streaming platforms.

With help from some friends, he was able to record and produce this single that incorporates old school rock with a modern vibe. He wrote the lyrics in a few days and crafted the rest of the song for a few months before releasing it, taking time to make sure the song stayed true to his rock roots and live band feel, while also taking influence from modern music.

Along with developing more albums and EPs, Cranston is also curating music that highlights his strengths in piano and other instruments. He hopes to release more music that incorporates raw human feelings and experiences, as he believes that “there’s a lot of power inside the human aspects of music.”

These days, Cranston can be found performing socially distanced shows at certain local restaurants and venues, like Wayward Sandwiches in Canby, OR. If he’s not performing in person, he’s probably developing his website, or posting more music on his YouTube page, Neal Cranston. Make sure to keep up with new songs, shows and interactive posts on his Instagram @neal_cranston_music.

Contact the author at ndean17@wou.edu 

Happy holidays from The Howl

The Western Howl’s favorite holiday traditions

The Western Howl Collective

Every family celebrates the holidays differently, and the staff at The Western Howl are no exception. Though some traditions may be affected by COVID-19 this year, the memories of past celebrations can carry us through whatever this December brings. Here are our staff’s personal family traditions, and we hope this holiday season brings comfort and joy to all.

Stephanie Moschella

On every Christmas Eve, my entire family would go to my grandmother’s house to spend the day there. Afterwards, we would go home, open one singular present before going to bed. Then, on Christmas Day, my immediate family would open all of our presents, eat some fast food (usually Taco Bell or Jack in the Box) and then head over to my grandfather’s house. It is always a busy couple of days, but a great way to make it feel like you’re receiving, giving and opening a lot more presents! 

Cora McClain

For my family, Christmas Eve is taken up by wrapping presents while “White Christmas” plays in the background. Come Christmas morning, all that wrapping (and stockings, which we always do first) has been undone, then it’s time for a full breakfast feast. Afterwards, we get ready and zoom down to my great aunt’s house, where the family (10 to 14 of us) gathers often. Following a potluck feast of festive foods, we move upstairs for dessert  ⏤ often the grandchildren serving the grans ⏤ and open Christmas poppers. When these little wrapped cylinders pop open, a paper crown, little toy or game and joke fly out. The rest of the evening we play the games and read the jokes out loud while wearing our crowns and eating homemade apple pie.

Rylie Horrall

On Christmas Eve, my family goes up to my grandparents house (on my dad’s side) and we chat and have a big dinner with some extended family. Then we do gifts before everyone heads home to put their kids to bed. My family and I take shifts in the living room to wrap presents ⏤ since we can’t do it all at once ⏤ before going to bed. In the morning, my dad wakes us all up and gives us coffee, then we open our presents before heading to my grandparents’ (mom’s side) house to do the same thing. Then we head home, eat brunch and watch Christmas movies before heading back over there for dinner and games!

Sydney Carpenter

During the holiday season, my family has always done one of those chocolate advent calendars that count down the days ’till Christmas. Each year, my dad and I go to our local supermarket and pick one that has the numbers scattered rather than in order, because that makes it a little more challenging to find. At night, my dad and I sit in the living room and search for the hidden number. When I was younger, I was allowed to eat the entire piece of chocolate after we found it; but sharing is caring y’all, it’s the season of giving. Now, when we find it we always split the chocolate in half.

Kyle Morden

The holiday season is full of many festivities for my family — it’s our favorite season. During the first week of December, there’s a birthday for us to celebrate from Dec. 1 to Dec. 10. I’m not entirely sure how our birthdays were lined up like that, but it happened — at least we can annoy our neighbors by blasting our karaoke machine for more than a week. My family also celebrates Christmas and New Years by having parties at my grandparents’ house; once again, we blast our karaoke machine. Basically, my entire family sings throughout the holiday season — it’s the best way for us to let it all go after a long and stressful year.

Allison Vanderzanden

A few weeks before Christmas, my family goes out to cut down a tree, and we spend the day listening to Christmas CDs and decorating the entire house. On Christmas Day, my parents have always made us wait to open presents until after church and breakfast cinnamon rolls. We all spend the morning opening presents — my husky included as she loves to tear up tissue paper — then we usually spend a couple hours setting up our new electronics or playing a new game. We have ham for dinner, but usually skip dessert as my birthday is the following day and my sibling’s the next, and we know we’ll have plenty of cake to get through. 

Natalie Dean

Besides the normal stockings and tree decorating, my family comes together through cooking, normally for big holiday dinners. We’ll make a bunch of dishes through the month, and normally there’s a few people helping cook by cutting vegetables or making sure the kitchen doesn’t burn down. Some staple menu items include roasts and stews, cornbread or banana bread, carrot cake and pumpkin pie, fried okra and gumbo. My mom’s birthday is mid-December and we celebrate as a family and make sure it feels special but distinct from Christmas Day. For Christmas Eve, we relax with hot cocoa and each open one gift. At some point, I make my brother help me bake cookies for Santa. We wake up early on Christmas Day to grab coffee and make breakfast, and then open presents together.

Sean Martinez

On Christmas Eve, my mom and I sit down and watch a new movie that neither of us have seen, followed by “A Charlie Brown Christmas.” Then on Christmas Day, my mom and I have our own little gift exchange, before heading over to my grandma and grandpa’s house to celebrate with the family. Every year, it’s me and Mom, my grandparents, my uncle and my cousins. We always open our presents around noon, have lunch and spend the rest of the day just chatting with the TV on in the background. 

Kiara Wehrenberg 

The holidays usually always look a little different every year, but they always include time with the family! Every year would include me, my dad and other family members coming together at my grandmother’s house Christmas Day to eat dinner together and open presents. The Christmas season also includes plenty of movies like “How the Grinch Stole Christmas!” and “A Christmas Story” with a cup of hot cocoa. 

Oh, what fun: winter hobbies to try

Indoor and outdoor activities for the winter season

Allison Vanderzanden | Lifestyle Editor

COVID-19 has forced many people to find new ways to fill their time, like picking up on a variety of hobbies. As quarantining continues, the cold winter months bring on a new season with an abundance of new activities. Get inspired to try something new or rekindle an old favorite activity with this list of indoor and outdoor winter hobbies.

Knitting/crocheting: Whether it be a scarf, hat, blanket or sweater, knitting and crocheting generate perfect products for winter days. Knitting needles and crochet hooks can be purchased for as little as $5, and yarn costs as little as $3 depending on the type. Numerous blogs and YouTube videos exist to help get started, or ask a family member who knows how to knit or crochet to pass down their skill.

Baking: Home-baked desserts can make any dull winter day sweeter. Whether it be cakes, cookies, breads or other confections, there are endless possibilities of baked goods to choose from. Check out recipes online, including on The Western Howl’s website, or invest in a cookbook; add a fun challenge by making a dessert only with items currently in the pantry.

Puzzles: Jigsaw puzzles are great for all ages with their wide variety of piece numbers and artworks. There are also other types of puzzle games to try, like sudoku, crosswords and word searches. Many different apps are available for any of these puzzles, or go old-school pen and paper by printing them from websites or buying a whole bookful.

Birding: Though the weather is cold, the trees are now bare, and that creates the perfect opportunity to pick up birdwatching. According to the Fernhill Wetlands Council, common birds to see in the winter in Oregon include the black-capped chickadee, red-tailed hawk, killdeer, northern flicker, house finch and song sparrow. Use a birding app or book and get outside to spot and identify some birds.

Photography: The world is a piece of art that can be captured in a photo. Winter’s shimmering snow and monochromatic backdrop can make for beautiful photos, and now is as good a time as any to try it out. Even phone cameras can capture great shots — try adjusting different settings and filters to see the wide range of possibilities photography has.

Winter sports: Getting outdoors and exercising can be a good stress reliever while simultaneously getting out of the house. Hit the slopes on skis or snowboard, go snowshoeing or learn how to ice skate or play hockey. Make sure to research if venues are open and what their COVID regulations are. Another outdoor activity that can be done with family or neighbors is a snowball fight.

Contact the author at avanderzanden19@mail.wou.edu

Heartfelt holiday gifts

Low and no-cost presents for this season of giving

Allison Vanderzanden | Lifestyle Editor

The holiday season can quickly burn a hole in your pockets by the time gift shopping has been completed. But there are numerous heartfelt gifts to give that cost little to no money and still bring the holiday joy. Consider these low and no-cost thoughtful presents for friends and family this year.

Art piece: Having a knack for art — whether it be drawing, painting or crafting — can make for personalized and low-cost gifts. Depending on one’s skill set, ask loved ones for their favorite flowers, quotes, animal or character and create something special for them.

Memory jar: Use sticky notes or strips of paper to write down some favorite memories between one another. Roll or fold the notes up and place them in a jar or similar container. Decorate the jar if desired with sequins, twine, stickers or lettering.

Mixtape or playlist: Though cassette tapes are pretty outdated, the thought behind making a music mix for someone can translate to today’s era. If the gift receiver has a way to play them, make a cassette tape or CD and design a fun cover. Otherwise, create a playlist on their preferred music streaming service, and get creative by sticking to a theme. This could be the gift receiver’s favorite genre, songs that lift their spirits or songs that remind the maker of the receiver.

Offer services: Time can be one of the most useful gifts to all in our busy lives. If one has time to spare, write out a coupon book of services which the gift receiver can redeem for future use. These services could include babysitting or pet sitting, cooking meals, cleaning or yard work.

“Open when…” letters: Take some time to write personalized letters for the gift receiver to open in the future. Choose a number of specific occasions, such as “Open when you need a pep talk” or “Open when something worth celebrating has happened,” and write letters and notes to put into individual envelopes. Gather all the letters in a nice box to present to the gift receiver.

Personalized journal: Buying a journal, planner or sketchbook can be useful for many types of people. These kinds of presents can be made more personal by writing a note on the front page: give them some words of encouragement or best wishes, or draw them a picture.

Recipe cards: For families and friends who share their love through cooking, consider designing recipe cards for one another. Choose a personal favorite recipe and decorate a note card with the recipe written on it. If there are too many recipes to choose from, create multiple cards and compile them with a binder ring.

Contact the author at avanderzanden19@mail.wou.edu

This week in completely made up horoscopes

The Western Howl Staff

Aries 3/21-4/19  

Huh, weird. 

Taurus 4/20-5/20

Damn that movie was really bad. 

Gemini 5/21-6/20 

Wow that was worse than 2016

Cancer 6/21-7/22

Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me….

Leo 7/23-8/22

When the whole world took the L … lel

Virgo 8/23-9/22

“This mac and cheese, man, Oh, he’s got a plan to end my life” 

Libra 9/23-10/22

I would like a full refund and a heartfelt apology.

Scorpio 10/23-11/21 

GG, we’ll pick it up next time

Sagittarius 11/22-12/21

Weird flex but ok lol

Capricorn 12/22-1/19

Thanks, I hated it

Aquarius 1/20 – 2/18

At least it’s over

Pisces 2/19 – 3/20

… if you have nothing nice to say then – 

Roxxxy Andrew hosts online Drag Show Bingo

Student Activities Board organizes drag show bingo event hosted by “RuPaul’s Drag Race” star Roxxxy Andrews

Sydney Carpenter | News Editor

Under current government guidelines, much of Western’s planned in person activities have been altered to a virtual format or dropped entirely to ensure the safety of all of Western’s community.

Although some events have been canceled, organizations such as the Student Activities Board  have put together events that equate to or surpass the typical in person events. This week, the SAB has organized Drag Show Bingo. Students were given the opportunity to select one of four prominent drag queens to host the event: Alexis Michelle, Roxxxy Andrews, Brita Filter and Pandora Box. Ultimately, Western students voted to have “RuPaul’s Drag Race” star Roxxxy Andrews lead the activity.

Michael Feliciano, known for his drag persona Roxxxy Andrews, began doing drag in Orlando nightclubs, and later competed in drag show pageants. In 2012, Feliciano’s stage character became a nationally recognized household name after being featured in the fifth season of “RuPaul’s Drag Race” and being that season’s runner up. 

Since the show, Roxxxy Andrews has won titles such as Miss Gay Southernmost USA 2015 first alternate and crowned Miss Angel City Continental 2019. Additionally, Andrews has been featured on the “RuPaul’s Drag Race” spin off “Untucked” seasons one and two, “RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars” seasons two and five, “Queen to Queen” and “The Queens.”

For students that are interested in meeting Roxxxy, the Drag Show Bingo event is being held on Dec. 2 at 6 p.m. over Zoom. Winners will receive SAB swag and various Western items. The Zoom link for the event can be found on the WOU Engage event page.

Contact the author at scarpenter18@mail.wou.edu

Cuts to Western’s departments and programs

President Fuller’s Article 15 Task Force proposes draft of program curtail and Non-Tenure Track reductions

Sydney Carpenter | News Editor

Beginning in 2011, the administration office began seeing lower enrollment rates at Western, resulting in financial challenges in the years following.

In spring 2020, COVID-19 accounted for 70% of the university’s 25% drop in enrollment. This resulted in the university asking the deans to propose two budgets to reduce salaries by 10% and 17% in June. In addition, all Cabinet members were asked to review budgets for FY21 and develop 10% and 17% cuts, based on salary. 

When the task force began reviewing program curtailments, an extensive list of qualitative and quantitative factors were taken into account. 

Additionally, the task force also utilized feedback from original reports from the deans, the recommendations from Western Oregon University’s Federation of Teachers, the recommendations from the Faculty Senate Executive Committee, PowerPoint for panel discussion, feedback from three faculty panel discussions, the report from the faculty Sustainability Task Force and Article 15 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement outlining faculty contracts and rights.

In totality, the task force has proposed the elimination of five majors, two programs, seven minors, one program freeze and one history concentration removal. For non-tenure track faculty, 15 departments have received deductions in full-time equivalents.

All of us are frustrated and shocked, and more importantly we are not okay with it,” said senior earth science major Nicole Niskanen. “Granted, the times we are in are very challenging and it is understood that the university is not exclusive with the sacrifices it is making, because many other schools are in the same position.”

Niskanen explained that a lot of the cuts are impacting first-generation college students that are interested in pursuing degrees in science, technology, engineering and math.

“Western Oregon University is an affordable option for many first-generation college students, along with that, the campus prides itself on diversity and equality,” said Niskanen. “The Earth Science program at Western has a significant number of women and other individuals from diverse backgrounds and populations enrolled in the program including students with disabilities.”

According to Niskanen, eliminating the program strips away the opportunities for some of those underrepresented first-generation college students and deprives those who cannot afford to attend expensive STEM-focused universities.

Under the current program cuts, students will be permitted to complete their major and professors will still teach until students learning in their areas complete their major or minor; the effects of program cuts will impact all incoming students starting in 2021.

“I am writing on behalf of all of the Earth Science students who have completed the program, who are currently trying to finish the program, and those who will complete the program; we don’t want to see any of our professors leave because they have done so much for us by dedicating their time to support us and by selflessly helping prepare each student for whatever career path they take. We want to fight for the program and fight for our educators,” said Niskanen.

Currently, faculty are working to try and save these programs. To advocate for programs or faculty jobs, students can go to the ASWOU site within Engage. From there, students can fill out the Student Concern Report.

UPDATE (DEC. 15TH, 2020 @ 6:52PM)

Western has announced its final program curtailment enacted by Article 15, as well as non-tenure track layoffs outside of Article 15.

Under the article, the university is permitted to make reductions in cases of demonstrable financial need, discipline curtailment or retrenchment. As of now, Western is claiming financial strain due to COVID-19 and long-term decline in enrollment as the cause of enacting Article 15.

Since fall of 2011, Western’s enrollment has decreased over 25% from 6,217 to 4,552 in fall of 2020, as reported in the Article 15 Task Force’s finalized plans. Currently, under the Article 15 program curtailment plans, 14 full time positions will be lost, and a total of 10 majors and minors will be eliminated along with two masters programs. Outside of Article 15, a total of 16 full-time non-tenure tracks are being laid off.

“Quite frankly, our options for achieving a balanced budget are limited,” said President Rex Fuller in a letter to the campus community. “Given that more than 85% of our expenses are salary and benefits. With limited options for tuition increases, declining enrollment, and likely cuts to state funding, we must act decisively to align our budget with our fiscal reality.”

As of now, the impact of the program cuts will not impact students who are currently majoring or minoring in the program. In the letter, Fuller noted how important it is for students impacted by the program cuts to finish their degrees. According to the campus-wide letter, program curtailment will only impact incoming students starting in the 2021 to 2022 school year. Tenure-track and non-tenured positions will not be cut until deans and division heads submit final layoff decisions. The decisions are expected to be an ongoing discussion through the month of January.

Some members of Western’s faculty union — the WOU Federation of Teachers — are asking for program curtailment to be delayed until the new university president comes into office.

“We know that WOU is in some financial difficulties,” said WOUFT Communications Director Scott Beaver. “We just don’t want to rush, do long term solutions without due diligence.”

In an effort to advocate for faculty and departments WOUFT included some alternatives to department layoffs in the finalized plan, including moving Western out of Division II sports, looking for efficiencies in non-instructional office budget cuts and personnel assignments, reduce the number of campus sponsored events and used additional money from the fund balance.

In the final plan, all layoff notices must be given to designated faculty no later than the end of January. Affected tenure-track faculty will receive a one-year layoff notice before their positions end, at the latest by the end of January 2022.

The union at this time remains hopeful that there are departments that can be saved before layoff notices are issued. Beaver said the union is still fighting. 

Contact the author at scarpenter18@mail.wou.edu