A, B, Coffee: for your next coffee order

Curious about coffee? Wanting to spice up a routine caffeine run? Here are some options in a comprehensive, educational list to start the school year off right. 

Americano — Espresso and hot water

Affogato — Espresso over ice cream

Cafe au lait — Espresso and warmed milk

Cafe Misto — Half drip coffee, half steamed milk

Cappuccino — Equal parts espresso and milk foam

Cortado — Espresso shots marked with steamed milk

Drip Coffee — Its coffee b—h

Espresso — Simple espresso shots served hot or iced 

Flat White — Ristretto shots with lightly foamed steamed milk

Latte — Espresso with steamed milk

Long Black — Ristretto with more espresso, less hot water

Macchiato —  Steamed milk with espresso shots poured on top

Mocha — Latte made with chocolate

Red-eye/Shot in the Dark — Drip coffee with a shot of espresso

Ristretto — Smaller, sweeter espresso shots

Traditional Macchiato — Espresso shot ‘marked’ with milk

Contact the author at howldigitalmediamanager@wou.edu