Nintendo switches things up

By: Matthew Oldfield

For quite a while Nintendo has been secretive over their new gaming console, for a while calling it the “NX” system and keeping everything quiet. Slowly, news outlets rolled out information about what Nintendo’s been up to: stories of their patenting screen and controller designs. Now the secret is out and the Switch is here.

On Oct. 20, Nintendo held an event to showcase their new console and all it can do. Aside from the usual function of a gaming console, the Switch comes with a modular like controller that can slide out of its holder and attach to a portable screen that allows you to keep playing your game, similarly to the Wii U.

Along with their technical display, Nintendo has announced some games that would be available for the system, such as “The Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild,” a new unnamed “Mario” title, “Skyrim: Special Edition,” “Pokémon Sun and Moon,” as well as future titles from third party developers like Activision, Sega, and Capcom.

Not much else is known at this time about what the new system is fully capable of. Nintendo has met with criticisms from consumers from the limited information, but with a demo presentation slated for Jan. 12 and the console releasing March of next year, there’s not much longer to wait.

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