Caity Healy | Editor-in-Chief
Co-Rec, Tuesday-Thursday Evenings
- Look ma, no hands! (6-0)
- Los Linguistas (5-1)
- Dunder Mifflin (4-3)
- Your Goalie’s Nightmare (3-2)
- Head Game Strong (3-4)
- Grace & The Funky Bunch (1-6)
- Team World (0-6)
Co-Rec Sunday Night League
- Broke Bat Mountain (5-0)
- benchwarmers (4-1)
- Swingers (4-1)
- Misfits (2-3)
- Always Going Deep (2-3)
- Masterbatterz (1-4)
- Dunder Mifflin Inc. (0-5)
- Wait for it…. (0-5)
Co-Rec Thursday Evening League
- Basic Pitches (4-1)
- Soft balls (4-1)
- Bad Apples (4-2)
- The One Hit Wonders (1-4)
- Rolling Bunts (1-4)
Men’s Monday Evening League
- Opihi Lickahz (5-0)
- Rippin Magoos (3-2)
- Dirty Ball Bags (2-3)
- Blue Ballers (0-5)
Co-Rec Competitive — Monday/Tuesday Evenings
- Killah Hawaiians (7-0)
- Bumpin’ (4-3)
- Meow Down (3-5)
- Wait for it…. (0-7)
Co-Rec Recreational — Monday/Tuesday Evenings
- Incomprehensibilities (8-0)
- Scott’s Tots (7-2)
- Work for sets (3-5)
- I’d hit that (1-7)
Co-Rec Recreational — Wednesday/Thursday Evenings
- Spiked Tea (5-3)
- The Agents (4-3)
- S.S.F.F.F.A.F.F. (0-7)
Men’s/Women’s — Wednesday Evening
- Joey’s Men’s VB Team (6-1)
- Bumping balls (3-4)
- Ball Busters (3-4)
- Meet the Blockers (3-4)
- Mas Hits (3-5)
Co-Rec Flag Rugby
- How does one rugby?? (1-0)
- Bangahz Only (0-1)
Open Flag Rugby
- Idk what’s going on (3-0)
- Hook Those Balls (1-2)
- Balls Out!! (0-2)
Spring Golf Tournament
- Wakem (39)
- Wanderscheid (39)
- Dodd (41)
- Nowack (41)
- Moore (41)
- Weaver (43)
- Johnson (45)
- Brooks (46)
- Chimienti (48)
- White (49)
- Halle (51)
- Minniti (51)
- Reynolds (51)
- Benavides (55)
Flag Football Tournament
- Show Me Your TDs (3-0)
- 9 HC’s (2-1)
- Tightest ends (1-2)
- Rollin with Mahomies (0-3)
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