Rebecca Meyers | Lifestyle Editor
Graduation is looming, and so is DegreeWorks’s infinite checklist. Hopefully by the time the cap and gown go on, all items will be checked off and Western seniors will have the all-clear for graduation. However, there are other important things to do before leaving Western that won’t show up on Portal:
Get pictures with friends that are moving away — or, with friends who will be staying if you’re the one leaving. If not, you might reach the end of graduation and realize you don’t have momentos of all the people who helped you make good memories during your time at Western.
Ask for some letters of recommendation from your favorite professors or staff. Many are happy to help you take your next step towards a career, and most jobs will require a letter or two. It’s also an opportunity to thank them for their help over the years, or even just one term.
Study hard and go out on a good note. This may already be a given for some, but everyone has a rough term or two. Think of the satisfaction that would come with walking across the stage after earning some of your best grades ever.
Start networking. Some of the best job hunting resources in your field can come from people who either have been or are going into the same one. Some professors know of good resources or people to contact to start the job hunt, and keeping in touch with classmates and keeping each other updated can bring up different opportunities.
Take senior photos. Whether professional or casual with a friend and a smartphone, senior photos are a great way to mark a milestone and will be fun to look back on in a few years.
Take full advantage of Western’s resources. Right now, things like Hamersley Library – full of free information, the Health and Counseling Center with its health resources, and the Health and Wellness Center with its fitness facilities are all available to students. A lot of those benefits will go away after commencement, so take advantage of them while you can.
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Photo by Caity Healy