‌A list of 15 TikTokers to definitely check out

Here are some TikTokers you may not already know

Natalie‌ ‌Dean‌ ‌|‌ ‌Entertainment‌ ‌Editor‌ ‌ ‌

One of the beauties of modern technology is how easy it can be to discover new content, music, videos, DIY’s, recipes and various creators and communities. With so many options out there, it can be hard to know where to start with some of these apps. Jump into TikTok by checking out these 15 TikTokers who have a variety of engaging stories, inspiring personal anecdotes, creative characters and useful information:

  1. blakesdailybread makes videos as a serious, and slightly creepy character, who jumps on new trends. 
  2. calebwfrancis has plenty of off the cuff jokes, situations and characters, and also shows clips from his Twitch streams. 
  3. candlereviews highlights satisfying melting and pouring videos of antique, detailed candles and reviews them.
  4. chantyb97 does videos with her bird, Hamlet, who likes to sing in the shower about bacon pancakes and always asks his owner, Bridget, “What doing?!”
  5. chaserutherford has immaculate music taste and dance moves, all while doing perfectly timed facial expressions that are perfectly timed. He also makes me want to buy a fisheye lens. 
  6. caseykfrey makes content that seems so effortlessly funny ⏤ and is definitely his own authentic sense of humor ⏤ through the use of POV’s, characters and dancing to trendy audios. 
  7. christiaan.long uses his energetic presence to talk about current happenings in his life, his mental health and interesting experiences he’s had. 
  8. davidyrodriguez creates characters and situations that are relatable but wild, plus his reactions and comedic timing are great.
  9. fascinatedbyfungi shows up-close clips of fungi and other aspects of nature in order to educate viewers. He also identifies the species of mushrooms and their qualities.
  10. flambothedog is a very smart pup who can speak about toys, walking, his owners and sister Espeon by using buttons on the ground ⏤ after being trained and learning how to do so.
  11. oldtimehawkey helps people with his calming nature vibes, grounding conversations and walks with his dog.
  12. shanewhalley is on a weight loss journey that has inspired many people; he gets vulnerable with his audience and is determined to keep working hard toward his goals. 
  13. truecrimecam has videos on true crime events and describes them with haunting detail.
  14. telehuefood takes food for thought to a whole new level with her cooking videos and stories. 
  15. what_about_bunny is another chatty dog, who also learned how to use buttons to communicate with her owners. 

Contact the author at ndean17@wou.edu

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