Everything student-athletes need to know to stay eligible and represent WOU.

Welcome & Mission

Welcome to the 2020-21 academic year at Western Oregon University. You are an important part of the campus community as a student-athlete and have already proven your ability to succeed academically and your athletic talent. This website is designed to provide you with information, including important policies, to keep you eligible to play and moving towards the ultimate goal – a college degree.

This is your guide to what will be required and expected of you as a member of the Wolves Athletics department.  Every organization has rules and guidelines that need to be honored; this handbook contains ours. Compliance with these rules is not optional.

The mission of intercollegiate athletics at Western Oregon is to provide athletic programs that contribute in an effective and meaningful manner to the achievement of the broader goals of the University. Guided by the Constitution of Division II of the NCAA, the Athletics program should enhance the total educational experience of students, promote the matriculation and retention of students, advance the reputation of Western Oregon, and cultivate loyalty and support of students, alumni and the community at large.

Handbook Treasure Hunt

Answer the questions below (all answers are found in the links above). When you get all the answers right, your “treasure” will magically appear! If you don’t see it, you answered at least one question incorrectly – keep trying.

When all questions are correct – you will also be able to submit your name/sport to Jasmine. Look for the “Submit to Jasmine” button! Your mission is complete when you click that link – name and sport are required. You were successful when you see a congrats message.



Athletic Compliance

email icon  millerj@wou.edu

phone icon  503-838-8094

Next Steps

Must follow Social Media

    • Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC)    
    • Athletic Department     
    • University wide    







Cross Country
