Faculty/Staff Information
Tamina Toray
Dr. Tamina Toray, Psychological Sciences Department
88712 | torayt@wou.edu
TODD 330
Why I chose WOU
The amazing students, my colleagues and the beautiful campus!At WOU since
Hiking and enjoying the beauty of the pacific northwest.Fun fact
Denver CO.Favorite book/movie
Books:To Sir with Love, book: To Kill a Mockingbird.Office Hours
Mon | Tues | Weds | Thurs | Fri |
8:30-11:00 am. | 3:00 -5:00 pm | |||
Please email me to set up an in-person apt. torayt@wou.edu |
Classes Taught
Course | Title | Location | Days | Times |
GERO 484 | DEATH, DYING AND GRIEF | ONLINE CRS | ------- | - |
PSY 482 | ADOLESCENCE | ONLINE CRS | ------- | - |
PSY 484 | DEATH, DYING AND GRIEF | ONLINE CRS | ------- | - |
PSY 584 | DEATH, DYING AND GRIEF | ONLINE CRS | ------- | - |
Areas of responsibility
My scheduled office hours are Wednesday from 8:30- 11:30 and 3:30 to 5:30. Please e-mail at torayt@wou.edu to set up an apt.
Ph.D. 1992 Family Studies, Oregon State University.
Title of dissertation: The relationship between adolescent substance abuse, personality, and gender: A study of residential treatment.
M.A. 1982 Counseling, Northeast Missouri State University. (Truman State University)
B.S. 1980 Human Development and Family Studies, Colorado State University. Minor: Criminal Justice
Professional experience
1992- Present Professor, Psychology Division, Western Oregon University.
July 2001- July 2002 Director, Family Support Service Argus Institute for Families and Veterinary Medicine Colorado State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital.
1988-Spring 1992 Instructor, Department of Human Development and Family Sciences, Oregon State University, and Instructor, Western Oregon University.
1988-1989 Research Assistant, Parent Caring Project, Oregon State University. Responsibilities included: collecting and coding data from face to face and telephone interviews.
1986-1988 Therapist, Santa Maria Youth and Family Center, Santa Maria, CA. Responsibilities: Created and implemented an Affective Education program at Adam Elementary School. Provided individual and family therapy to clients at Youth and Family Center. Co-facilitated a parent support group and a group for sexually abused boys aged 7-10.
1986-1987 Instructor, Allan Hancock Community College, Santa Maria, CA.
1985-1986 Therapist, Osteopathic Clinic, Wichita, Kansas. Provided short term out-patient therapy to clients referred by staff physicians using individual, marital and family therapy modalities for treatment; presentation of monthly workshops on various mental health topics including: Stress Management, Improving Communication Skills, and Health and Wellness; co-facilitated grief and loss support groups.
1983-1985 Instructor, Department of Human Development and Family Studies, Colorado State University. Courses taught: Lifespan Development, Middle Childhood, Adolescence, Death and Dying, Wellness.
1983-1985 Co-founder: CHANGES: The Support for People and Pets Program (currently the Argus Institute for Families and Veterinary Medicine). Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Colorado State University. This program offers counseling, education, support and research related to loss and grief surrounding the human-animal bond. CHANGES provided Veterinary Teaching Hospital students, faculty and staff with supportive care services surrounding pet loss. This program has since gained national attention its commitment to better understanding our relationships to companion animals.
1981-1983 Assistant Director of Testing Services, Northeast Missouri State University. Coordination and implementation of the university-wide testing program including freshman, sophomore, and senior students to determine the value of undergraduate education; planned yearly budget; provided supervision of student interns; evaluated test data; provided counseling services to students including academic, career and personal issues; served as a member of the Academic Standards Committee.
Awards and honors
Nominated for Mario and Alma Excellence in Teaching award (2010).
Recipient of the Oregon Academy of Science 2007 award for Outstanding Teacher in Higher Education.
Who’s Who in Death Dying, Suicide and Bereavement Community (Awarded by King’s College Centre for Education about Death and Bereavement)
2000-2004 Nominated Teacher of the Year Award, Western Oregon University.
Academic Adviser of the Year, Western Oregon University, 2005
1998-2000 Nominated “Convocation Speaker” by the Senior Class, Western Oregon University.
Initiated into Phi Kappa Phi national honor society.
Oregon State University, received the Herbert F. Frolander award for the Universities Best Teaching Assistant (University Wide Award)
1982 Colorado State University, received the “Most Valuable Teacher” awarded by the College of Human Resource Sciences
Professional memberships
Phi Kappa Phi
Western Psychological Society (WPA)
Oregon Academy of Sciences (OAS)
What will you do and learn in my courses
The wonders of developmental psychology! I also teach a human/animal bond course and several end-of-life courses that help each of us prepare to have important conversations with our loved ones.
Teaching Focus
Developmental psychology, human/animal bond, and end-of-life issues (e.g. advance care planning and issues related to death, dying and grief, and palliative care).
Research Areas
The impact of loss and grief across the lifespan, end-of-life decision making and the human/animal bond and loss.
Undergrad courses taught
Developmental courses taught: Death, dying, and grief, Palliative Care and Chronic Illness, Human-Animal Bond and Loss, Lifespan development, Adolescent development, Interviewing, and Mental health.
Veterinary medicine courses taught: Compassionate end-of-life care, Clinical Communications Skills, Family present euthanasia, Client relations, Staff relations and Stress and burnout.
Current research
Advance care planning in emerging adulthood.
Manuscripts Published
Cooley, E., Toray, T., Roscoe, L., (2014) Toray, Tamina; Roscoe, L. Assessing Effective Coping with Bereavement in College Students: The Reactions to Loss Scale. Omega: Journal of Death & Dying. 2014, Vol. 68 Issue 3, p 241-257.
Cooley, E., Toray, T. & Roscoe, L. (2010) Reactions to Loss Scale: Assessing Grief in College Students OMEGA–Journal of Death and Dying, 61, 25 – 51.
Cooley, E. & Toray, T., Wang, M.C., & Valdez, N.N. (2008). Maternal effects on daughters’ eating pathology and body image. Eating Behaviors, 9, 52-61.
Cooley, E., Toray, T., Valdez, N. & Tee, M. (2007). Risk factors for maladaptive eating patterns in college women. Eating and Weight Disorders, 12, 132-140.
Toray, T. (2004). The human-animal bond and loss. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 26, 244-259.
Cooley, E. & Toray, T. (2001) Body image and personality predictors of eating disorder symptoms during the college years. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 30, 48-56.
Toray, T. & Cooley, E. (2001). Disordered eating in freshman women: A prospective study.
Journal of College Health, 44, 229-235.
Toray, T. & Cooley, E. (1998). Coping in College Students: The value of experience. Journal of College Student Development, 39, 291-295.
Toray, T. & Cooley, E. (1997). Bulimic symptoms and self-efficacy in weight fluctuations. The Journal of Psychology, 31, 383-394.
Moran, P., Davies, M. & Toray, T. (1994). Behavioral, emotional, and psychological outcomes among adolescents in a drug treatment program: A comparison of maltreated and non-maltreated youth. Journal of Child and Adolescent Drug Use, 4, 17-34.
Toray, T., Coughlin, C., Vuchinich, S., & Patricelli, P. (1991). Gender differences associated with adolescent substance abuse: Comparisons and implications for treatment. Family Relations, 40, 338-344.
Book Chapters Published
Toray, T. Children’s Bereavement Over the Deaths of Pets (2010) in Corr, C. A. and Balk, D. E. Children’s Encounters with Death, Bereavement, and Coping. New York: Springer Publishing.
Toray, T. Children’s Friendships and the Death of a Friend (1996) in Corr, C.A. & Corr, D.M. Handbook of Child Death and Bereavement. New York: Springer Publisher.
Interpersonal Communication. in Donatelle, Davis and Hoover’s, 1994, 3rd edition of Access to Health, Harper Collins Publisher.
Books and Manuscripts Reviewed
Toray, T., Family Therapists and Veterinary Professionals: Opportunities for Collaboration, in Journal of Marriage and Family Therapy.
Papalia and Olds, Human Development, 7th edition, McGraw-Hill Publishers.
Toray, T., Berger’s, The Developing Person, 4th edition, Worth Publishers.
Invited Talks and Plenary Presentations
Toray, T., April, 2015 Invited speaker, 39th Annual Oregon State University Gerontology Conference: It’s Time We Talked: Changing the Lens of End-of-Life Planning for Older Adults.
Toray, T., April, 2012 36th Annual OSU Gerontology Conference – Invited speaker: Human/Animal Bond and Older Adults.
Toray, T., May, 2012 OSU Medical Humanities Group – Invited speaker, Palliative Care: Transforming the Care of Serious Illness.
Toray, T., September, 2009 and 2010. Invited Speaker: Myers Briggs Temperament Inventory: Personality: Understanding Self and Working with Others
Toray, T., April, 2009. Invited Speaker: Oregon State University Gerontology Conference. Title of presentation: The Human/Animal Bond and Loss in an older adult population: Implications and Strategies.
Toray, T., May, 2008, Staff Relations and Conflict. Lecture presented to freshman veterinary students, Oregon State University, College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Corvallis, Oregon.
Toray, T., September, 2007. Invited talk: Myers Briggs Temperament Inventory: Personality: Understanding Self and Working with Others
Toray, T., March, 2007, Clinical Communication Skills: Application to Veterinary Medicine. Ten week course taught to the junior Veterinary class, Oregon State University, College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Corvallis, Oregon.
Toray, T., September, 2007. Myers Briggs Temperament Inventory: Personality Workshop for Entering Veterinary Students. Oregon State University, College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Corvallis, Oregon.
Toray, T., November, 2006. Pet Remembrance Ceremony: Laurelhurst Veterinary Clinic and Dignified Pet Services of Portland.
Toray, T., September, 2006. Personality: Understanding Self and Working with Others. Lecture to the incoming cohort of veterinary students, Oregon State University, College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Corvallis, Oregon.
Toray, T., October, 2006. Coping with Loss: Working in Long-term Care Facilities. Presentation at Oregon Health Care Association’s annual conference. Portland, Oregon
Toray, T., May, 2006. Clinical Communication Skills: Application to Veterinary Medicine. Two lectures presented to the junior Veterinary class, Oregon State University, College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Corvallis, Oregon.
Toray, T., May, 2005. The human-animal bond: Clinical Communications Skills. Talk presented at Small Animal Rounds, Oregon State University, College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Corvallis, Oregon.
Toray, T., March, 2004. The human-animal bond and loss. Talk presented at Small Animal Rounds, Oregon State University, College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Corvallis, Oregon.
Toray, T., January, 2003. College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Colorado State University, Fort Collins Colorado, Fort Collins, Colorado. Invited Speaker, Practice Management Course: Stress and coping in veterinary medicine.
Toray, T., December, 2003. Coping with pet loss. Talk sponsored by Laurelhurst Veterinary Hospital, Portland Oregon.
Toray, T., January, 2003. Hospice Day of Remembrance. Corvallis, Oregon.
Toray, T., Fall, 2003. Working with older adults: Issues of grief and loss. Presented to the staff at Terwilliger Plaza, Portland Oregon.
Toray, T., February, 2003. Western Veterinary Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada. Plenary Speaker: Clinical communication skill training.
Toray, T., December, 2002. Family present euthanasia. Invited presentation by the Portland Veterinary Association, Portland, Oregon
Toray, T., February, 2002. Tufts University College of Veterinary Medicine Annual Conference on Euthanasia, Grafton, Mass. Plenary speaker: A Bond-Centered Approach to End-of-Life Issues in Veterinary Medicine.
Toray, T., March, 2002. College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Colorado State University, Fort Collins Colorado. Invited Speaker: Grief Support Techniques in a Bond-Centered Practice.
Toray, T., May, 2002. Plenary Speaker: 20th International Conference on Death and Bereavement, Kings College, Ontario Canada. Adolescent Grief and Loss: The impact of the Internet.
Toray, T., September, 2001. Colorado Veterinary Association’s Annual Meeting, Steamboat Springs Colorado. Invited speaker: Burnout in Veterinary Medicine.
Toray, T., September, 1999. Invited guest at the annual International Work Group on Death, Dying and Grief. Boulder Colorado, September, 1999. Meeting resulted in a shared international research project on the topic of university student bereavement in conjunction with faculty from Colorado State University and the University of Sydney.
Toray, T., April 16-19th, 1998. Presented the “Last Lecture” sponsored by the Council of Teachers of Undergraduate Psychology (CTUP). Joint Conference of the Western Psychological Association and Rocky Mountain Psychological Association’s meeting, Albuquerque, N.M.
Papers Presented at Professionals Meetings
Cooley, E., Toray, T., Roscoe, L. & McMahan, E. Gratitude Predicts Life Satisfaction: A Longitudinal Study. Paper presented at Association for Psychological Science 25th annual meeting, Washington D.C., May, 2013
Cooley, E. and Toray, T. Positive Emotion and Gratitude as Predictors of Resilience Following a Loss. Poster presented at Association for Psychological Sciences, April 2012 Chicago, IL.
Cooley, E., Roscoe, L., Toray, T., Cuperus, M., Hendrix, T., Taylor, C., Verba, D., & Willhite, K. (2010). Resilience to Loss: The Role of Agency and Positive Affect. Poster presented at Western Psychological Association, Cancun, Mexico, April 24, 2010.
Cooley, E., Toray, T. & Roscoe, L. (2010). Happiness and Life Satisfaction: Predictors of Change. Poster presented at Association for Psychological Science, Boston, May 28, 2010.
Toray, T. Coping with death-related and non-death related loss in a college student population. Invited Presentation, Annual Conference of Ailing Mothers and Fathers (AMF), August, 2009, Raleigh NC.
Cooley, E , Toray, T., Roscoe, L., Mattiazzi, A., Rivera, E., Broberg, M., Gruber, N., VanHook, D. & Bjarnson, T. Reacting to Loss: Resilience and Emotional Distress. Poster presented at Western Psychological Association, April, 2009, Portland OR.
Cooley, E , Toray, T., Roscoe, L., Reacting to Loss: Negative Affect and Life Satisfaction. Poster presented at Association for Psychological Science, May, 2009, San Francisco.
Cooley, E., Toray, T., Roscoe, L., Hutmacher, M., and Valdez, N. (2008). Attachment and Attachment Change as Predictors of Eating Pathology. Paper presented at Western Psychological
Association, Irvine, CA., May, 2008.
Cooley, E., Toray, T., Roscoe, L., Hutmacher, M., and Valdez, N. (2008). Attachment and Attachment Change as Predictors of Eating Pathology. Paper presented at Western Psychological
Association, Irvine, CA., May, 2008.
Cooley, E., Toray, T., Roscoe, L., Hutmacher, M.,and Valdez, N. (2008). Assessing the Bereavement Process: The Reactions to Loss Scale. Paper presented at Western Psychological Association, Irvine, CA, May, 2008.
Cooley, E., Toray, T., Roscoe, L., Lara Gomez, A., Gross, L., Hutmacher, M., & Miles, A. (2007). Spiritual Well-Being and Religious Coping as Predictors of Depression. Paper presented at
Western Psychological Association, Vancouver, B.C.
Cooley, E., Toray, T., Roscoe, L., Valdez, N., Yates, A., & Clifton, K. (2007). Self-Efficacy and Commitment to College as Predictors of Academic Success. Paper presented at Western
Psychological Association, Vancouver, B.C.
Cooley, E. & Toray, T., Tee, M. & Valdez, N. Risk Factors for Maladaptive Eating Patterns in Early College Years. Coping with Loss: The Reaction to Loss Scale. Cooley, E. Toray, T., Hall, B., Pannas, E. Paper presented at Western Psychological Association 86th Annual Convention, California State University at San Bernardino, April, 2006.
Cooley, E. & Toray, T., Coleman, T., Druliner, E., Sanchez, L. Attachment Styles and Eating Pathology as Predictors of Depression. Paper presented at Western Psychological Association 86th Annual Convention, California State University at San Bernardino, April, 2006.
Cooley, E. & Toray, T., Tee, M. & Valdez, N. (2006). Risk Factors for Maladaptive Eating Patterns in Early College Years. Poster presented at Western Psychological Association, Palm Springs, CA.
Toray, T., Cooley, E., Hall, B., Pannas, E. (2006). Coping with Loss: The Reaction to Loss Scale. Poster presented at Western Psychological Association, Palm Springs, CA.
Cooley, E. & Toray, T., Coleman, T., Druliner, E., Sanchez, L. (2006). Attachment Styles and Eating Pathology as Predictors of Depression. Poster presented at Western Psychological Association, Palm Springs, CA.
Toray, T., Cooley, E., Esposito, L., Terris, E., Pannas, E., & Parson, S. (2005). Adaptive and maladaptive responses to losses in college freshmen. Paper presented at Oregon Academy of Sciences, February 24, Corvallis, OR.
Cooley, E., Toray, T., Hall, B., Jasper, E., & Hickman, D. (2005) Mental health, loss and academic outcomes for college freshmen. Paper presented at Oregon Academy of Sciences, February 24, Corvallis, OR.
Terris, E., Esposito, L., Hall, B., Jasper, E., Toray, T., & Cooley, E. (2005). An investigation of complicated grief in a college population. Presented at the Association of Death Education and Counseling, April 1, Albuquerque, NM.
Jasper, E., Hall .B. Tomlin, S., Pannas, E., Terris, B., Cooley, E., & Toray, T. (2005) Predicting depression in college freshmen: Which models work? Poster presented at Western Psychological Association, April 15, Portland, OR.
Toray, T., & Cooley, E., Hall, B., Jasper, E., Esposito, L., Hickman, D., (2005). Mental health, loss and academic outcomes for college freshmen. Poster presented at Western Psychological Association, April 15, Portland, OR.
Terris, E., Esposito, L., Pannas, E., Tomlin, S., Hickman, D., Toray, T., & Cooley, E. (2005). Grief and Loss Responses During the Freshmen Year. Poster presented at Western Psychological Association, April 16, Portland, OR.
Toray, T., Cooley, E., Jasper, E., Hall, B., Esposito, L., & (2004) Impulsivity, attachment styles and disordered eating in college women. Paper presented at Oregon Academy of Sciences, February 28, Portland, OR.
Pannas, E., Terris, E. & Toray, T. (2004) An investigation of complicated grief in college females. Paper presented at Oregon Academy of Sciences, February 28, Portland, OR
Cooley, E., Toray, T., Esposito, L., Friesen, L., Jasper, E., & Hall, B. (2004). Impulsivity, attachment styles and disordered eating in college women. Poster presented at Western Psychological Association, Phoenix, AZ, April 22.
Cooley, E., Toray, T., Esposito, L., Jasper, E., Hall, B., Pannas, E., & Terris, E. (2004). Attachment styles, impulsivity and the interpersonal model of depression. Poster presented at Western Psychological Association, Phoenix, AZ, April 23.
Toray, T., Cooley, E., Jasper, E., Terris, E., Perry, T., & Pannas, E. (2004). An investigation of complicated grief in college females. Poster presented at Western Psychological Association, Phoenix, AZ, April 22.
Toray, T. & Turner, J. (2001). College student loss: An international study of bereavement. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Oregon Academy of Sciences, University of Portland, Eugene OR.
Toray, T. & Cooley E. (2000). Coping Behaviors and Eating Pathology: A 3-Year Longitudinal Study. Presented at Western Psychological Association 80th Annual Convention. Portland State University, Portland, Oregon.
Toray, T. & Cooley, E. (1998). Eating as Coping Behavior: Scale Development. Presented at the 78th Annual joint Conference of the Western Psychological Association and Rocky Mountain Psychological Association’s meeting, Albuquerque, N.M.
Toray, T. April 24-27, 1997. A preliminary evaluation of “Children Cope with Divorce” seminar. Presented at the 77th Annual Convention of the Western Psychological Association, Seattle, W.A.
Toray, T. & Cooley, E. (1997) Disordered eating in college women: Development in the freshman year. Presented at the 77th Annual Convention of the Western Psychological Association, Seattle, W.A.
Toray, T. & Cooley, E. (1996). Avoidance-Based Exercise and Maladaptive Eating and Dieting Patterns. Presented at the 11th Annual meeting of the American Academy of Sports Psychologists in Willamsburg, Virginia.
Toray, T. (1996). Coping Styles and Class Standing in a College Population. Presented at the 76th annual Western Psychological Association Meeting, San Jose, California.
Toray, T. & Cooley, E., April, 1996. Eating as Emotion-Focused Coping: Assessing Individual Differences. Presented at the 76th annual Western Psychological Association Meeting, San Jose, California.
Toray, T. October, 1995. Bulimic Symptoms and Self-Efficacy in Weight Fluctuations. Presented at the 123rd American Public Health Association Meeting in San Diego, CA.
Toray, T. & Cooley, E. (1994). Self-schemas, emotional awareness and self-efficacy in weight fluctuators. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Sports Psychologists (A.A.S.P.) in Lake Tahoe, Nevada.
Toray, T. (1994). Weight fluctuation and self-efficacy in a college population. Presented at the 52nd annual meeting of the Oregon Academy of Sciences, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR.
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