Faculty/Staff Information
Lauren Roscoe Ammann
Professor, Psychological Sciences Department
88133 | roscoel@wou.edu
TODD 326
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Office Hours
Mon | Tues | Weds | Thurs | Fri |
2:00 to 3:30 Online by Appt | 9:30-1:00 Online by Appt | email me to schedule | email me to schedule | email me to schedule |
By appointment Schedule here: https://calendar.app.google/Z |
Classes Taught
Course | Title | Location | Days | Times |
PSY 450 | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY | ONLINE CRS | ------- | - |
PSY 300 | INTRO TO MAJOR: CAREERS & OPPS | ONLINE CRS | -M----- | 1600-1750 |
PSY 409 | PRACTICUM | ONLINE CRS | ------- | - |
PSY 409 | PRACTICUM | ONLINE CRS | ------- | - |
Ph.D. (2004) in Counseling Psychology, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois
(APA-Accredited Program); Dissertation: The creation and validation of a wellness assessment: The Wellness Card Sort (WCS)
M.A. (2001) in Counseling Psychology, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois
Thesis: The role of social cognitive career theory and personality variables in predicting career congruence, satisfaction, and decidedness
B.B.A (1999) from University of Notre Dame, South Bend, Indiana
Major: Human Resources Management, Second Major: Psychology
Professional experience
Full Professor (9/14 to present)
Western Oregon University, Psychology Division
Associate Professor (8/09-9/14)
Western Oregon University, Psychology Division
Visiting Professor (6/2012)
Guangxi Medical University, International Program, Nanning, China
Assistant Professor (8/04-8/09)
Western Oregon University, Psychology Division
Instructor (1/02-8/03)
Department of Psychology, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois
PSYC 340, Introduction to Clinical and Counseling Psychology
Instructor (6/02-8/02)
Department of Psychology, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois
PSYC 102, Introductory Psychology
Awards and honors
NACADA Faculty Advisor of the Year Award (2014)
Academic Advisor of the Year (2012)
OAS Outstanding Educator Award in Higher Education (2011)
Psychology Faculty of the Year by WOUPSA club (2011)
Nominated and Finalist for Pastega Excellence in Teaching Award (2010, 2011)
ASWOU Club Faculty Advisor of the Year (2010)
Nominated Outstanding Faculty Advisor of the Year (2004-05, 05-06, 06-07)
Teaching contributions recognized by Disability Services, Western Oregon University (2005)
Undergrad courses taught
Introductory Psychology (PSY 202)
Introduction to the Psychology Major: Careers and Opportunities (PSY 300)
Graduate Study in Psychology (PSY 398)
Interview and Appraisal (PSY 423)
Theories of Personality (PSY 435)
Abnormal Psychology (PSY 450)
Introduction to Clinical and Counseling Psychology (PSY 340, SIUC)
Introduction to Psychology (PSY 102, SIUC)
Roscoe, L., & McMahan, E., (2014). Outcomes of Introduction to the Psychology Major: Careers and Opportunities course. Teaching of Psychology, 41, 110-114.
Cooley, E., Toray, T., & Roscoe, L. (2013). Assessing Effective Coping with Bereavement in College Students: The Reactions to Loss Scale. Omega: Journal of Death and Dying, 68 (3), 237-253.
Lenz, A. S. & Roscoe, L. J. (2011). Personal Wellness Card Sort: A strategy for promoting relational healing. Journal of Creativity in Mental Health, 6, 69-83. doi:10.1080/15401383.2011.562755
Cooley, E., Toray, T., & Roscoe, L. (2010). Reactions to Loss Scale: Assessing grief in college students. OMEGA: Journal of Death and Dying, 61, 25-51.
Roscoe, L. J. (2009). Wellness: A review of theory and measurement for counselors. Journal of Counseling and Development, 87(2), 216-226.
Roscoe, L. J., & Strapp, C. (2009). Increasing students’ preparedness through a professional issues course. Teaching of Psychology, 36, 18-23.
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