Faculty/Staff Information
Mickey Pardew
, Education & Leadership
88765 | pardewm@wou.edu
RWEC 118
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Ph.D. Education: Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon (1996)
M.A. Counseling and Guidance: University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, North Dakota (1972)
B.A. Psychology: Elmira College, Elmira, New York (1969)
Professional experience
- Special Education: Early Intervention / Early Childhood / Elementary, Partnerships and Collaboration, Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Coordination: ASD Specialization Program, EI/ECSE Program, Special Educator
- Co-Coordinator, Special Education Programs
- Member, Faculty Senate 2012-14
- Member, Salem Keizer Collaborative Partnership Team (Teach Oregon Chalkboard award 2012-13) with
- WOU, Corban University and Willamette University
- Member, CoE Licensure and Clinical Experience Council (LCEC)
- Member, CoE Consortium
- Member, Student Petition Review Committee (SPRC)
- Chair, EI/ECSE Advisory Council
- Chair, Professional Portfolio Committees
- Member, Special Education Division Executive Committee
- Chair, Special Education Division Curriculum
- Advisor, Special Education Minor
- Member, Special Education Scholarship committee
- Member, Higher Education Council for Special Educator and EI/ECSE programs in OUS.
- Master’s theses committees (WOU and Oregon State University)
Mickey’s began her career as a teacher, counselor and child development specialist in early childhood education. She came to Western in 1985 as a graduate assistant and Ph.D. candidate in the College of Education joint campus with Oregon State University. She has been a Western Oregon University faculty member since 1988. She has taught in the Special Education program during this entire time while also splitting her work from 1991-1995 with Teaching Research Institute and federal inservice training grants for Early Intervention. Since1995 Mickey has enjoyed teaching and supervising graduate students preparing for careers in special education and coordinating EI-ECSE and K-12 Special Educator programs. Her representation of higher education programs on the Oregon Commission for Autism Spectrum Disorders led to the establishment of a new license/specialization for special education teacher-leaders. Collaborative partnerships with school districts and agencies has been a career highlight for Mickey. Her vitae outlines her professional accomplishments over her career.
Mickey is grateful that her family of origin provided her with the experience of growing up with family members living with disabilities. She has dedicated her life work to sharing a family perspective and the importance of family partnerships in teacher training programs. Mickey is forever grateful to her late husband Tom for bringing her back to his birth state to live in 1974 and the pleasure of raising two amazing Oregonian sons. She has enjoyed every moment of her work at Western.
Special Education:
Early Intervention / Early Childhood / Elementary
Partnerships and Collaboration
Autism Spectrum Disorders
ASD Specialization Program
EI/ECSE Program
Special Educator
Favorite Links:
Northwest Autism Foundation
Oregon Commission on Autism Spectrum Disorder
Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) Resources
WOU ASD Specialization Program
Awards and honors
Refereed International/National Conferences
- Pardew, M. (12/2003) Oregon subdivision poster session. Presented at Division of Early Childhood (CEC) International Convention, San Diego, California.
- Pardew, M. (12/1997). Infant Massage. Presented at Division of Early Childhood (CEC) Annual Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana.
- Pardew, M. 4/1997). Infant Massage. Presented at Council for Exceptional Children Annual Convention, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Professional memberships
- Council for Exceptional Children/Division for Early Childhood
- International Association of Infant Massage Instructors
- Board member (Past President) Polk Adolescent Day Treatment Center
- Board member Northwest Autism Foundation
- Board member of George E. Miller Children’s Foundation
- Higher Education representative, Oregon Commission for ASD (retired 7/2013)
- Chair, Educator Credential
- Committee, Oregon Commission for ASD
- Board member Northwest Autism Foundation
- Board member of George E. Miller Children’s Foundation
- Autism Society of America
Teaching Focus
- Master of Science in Education: Special Education; Autism Spectrum Disorders Specialization
Grants & Funding
- Project PIECE (Promoting Inclusion in Early Childhood Educators). Awarded August 2013 Western Oregon University Teaching Research Institute.
- Project TEAM: The Related Service Team in Community Settings continuation proposals in 1992, 1993 and final report 1995.
- Effective Quality Improvement Process for Programs Serving Young Children (EQUIP) model demonstration project proposal, September, 1994 (not funded).
- Polk Family Enhancement Project, FIRST: Family School Partnerships, March, 1992 (not funded).
- Rural Special Education Teacher Preparation Grants 1985-1990.
Grad courses taught
- SPED 518: Survey of Special Education
- SPED 547: Partnerships in Special Education
- SPED 586: ASD: Foundations and Strategies
- SPED 609: Practicum I & II Early Intervention/Special Education: Special Educator
- SPED 639: Student Teaching EI/ECSE & Special Educator
- SPED 671: Foundations of EI/ECSE
- SPED 677: Collaborative Services in Early Intervention/Early Childhood Special Education (Birth – 8 yrs)
Undergrad courses taught
- SPED 418: Survey of Special Education
- SPED 447: Partnerships in Special Education
- SPED 486: ASD: Foundations and Strategies
- Pardew, M. Gense, M. et al, (April 12, 2013) ASD Commission report to the Governor; Summary of implementation activities as a follow-up to prior report (2010).
- Pardew, M.Gense, M. et al, (December, 2010). Report to the Governor Oregon Commission on Autism Spectrum Disorder; Contributions to pages 47-71. https://www.orcommissionasd.org
- Pardew, M., Rowan, J. & Young, H. Establishing Partnerships between Educators and Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: To Improve Outcomes for Children with ASD, PSU/Regional Programs Autism Training Sites (RPAT), 2008. Disseminated to teachers throughout Oregon by Northwest Regional ESD.
- Pardew, M. and Bunse, C. (March, 2005). Enhancing Interaction Through Positive Touch. Young Exceptional Children.
- Pardew, M. (2002) “Successfully Supervising Students Implementing Teacher Work Samples” (Chapter 12) in: Connecting Teaching and Learning: A Handbook for Teacher Educators on Teacher Work Sample Methodology Edited by Gerald Girod. AACTE.
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