Faculty/Staff Information
Brent King
, Psychological Sciences Department
89262 | kingb@wou.edu
TH 328
Why I chose WOU
At WOU since
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Office Hours
Mon | Tues | Weds | Thurs | Fri |
11 - 12 Todd Hall 328 | 2 - 4 pm Online | 4 - 6 pm Todd Hall 328 | ||
or by appt (face to face or online) email kingb@wou.edu |
Classes Taught
Course | Title | Location | Days | Times |
PSY 467 | QUANTITATIVE METHODS | ITC 111 | --T-R-- | 1200-1350 |
PSY 328 | MENTAL HEALTH | HYBRD* CRS | ------- | - |
PSY 202Z | INTRO TO PSYCHOLOGY II | HWC 301 | -M-W--- | 1000-1150 |
PSY 328 | MENTAL HEALTH | HWC 301 | -M----- | 0800-0950 |
PSY 473 | SENSATION AND PERCEPTION | BELL 235 | --T-R-- | 1400-1550 |
University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND: Ph.D., August 2005
Experimental Psychology
Cognate, Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
Cognate, Neuroanatomy
Dissertation: Alcohol and Recognition of Novel Faces: Does Alcohol Ingestion Increase the Rate of False Identifications?
University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND: M.A., December 2002
Psychology, Emphasis in experimental psychology
Thesis: Taxonomic Categorization of Face Traits: Do Humans use Race and Emotion to Classify Faces?
Western Oregon University, Monmouth, OR: B.S., June 1999
Minor, Chemistry
Clackamas Community College, Oregon City, OR: A.A., March 1996
Emphasis in laboratory sciences
Professional experience
Western Oregon University, Present
Visiting Professor
Adjunct Instructor, Southern New Hampshire University
Graduate Department of Social Science, August 2014 – Present
Online Courses Built or Taught
Graduate, Foundations in Research Methods
Graduate, Psychology in the Courtroom
Adjunct Instructor, Portland Community College
Department of Psychology, September 2014 – January 2015
Courses Taught
Introduction to Psychology
Introduction to Personality
Tenured Professor, Adams State University
Department of Psychology, 2005 – July 2014
Visiting Professor (Online), Adams State University
Department of Psychology, August 2014 – Present
Awards and honors
Adams State University
– Awarded Exemplary Status by ASU – 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
– 2011 – Elected as Departmental Mentor for Junior Faculty
– 2010 – Honorary Membership in Alpha Zeta Kappa, the National Political Science Honor Society. This honor is awarded by a vote of students
– 2009 – Presidential award for “Service to the college and community”
– 2009 – “Everyone” award for service to the campus, (awarded by Dean of Students, Associate Provost of Academic Affairs, and Director of Human Resources)
Professional memberships
Institutional Review Board Member, Southern New Hampshire University, August 2014 – present
Institutional Review Board Chair, Adams State University, 2006 – 2014
Faculty Senate President, Adams State University, 2011 – 2013
University Cabinet Member, Adams State University, 2011 – 2013
Academic Communication Team Member, Adams State College, 2009 – 2013
Student Scholar Days Academic Conference, Creator/Chair, Adams State University, 2008 – 2013
Curriculum Review Committee Chair & Member, Adams State University, 2006 – 2012
General Education Curriculum Committee Member, Adams State University, 2011 – 2012
Faculty Technology Advisory Committee Member, Adams State University, 2009 – 2012
Undergraduate Program Assistant Director, Psychology Department, University of North Dakota, 2002 – 2005
Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, Psychology Department, University of North Dakota, 2001 – 2005
University Accreditation Review, Psychology Department Representative, University of North Dakota, 2003
New Student Orientation PLUS Program, Student Director & Member, Western Oregon University 1996 – 1999
Teaching Focus
Cognitive Psychology
Research Areas
Director, 2005 – 2014
Cognitive Research Laboratory. Adams State University (multiple projects)
Research Assistant, 2003 – 2005
The North Dakota Nursing Needs Study. Center for Rural Health, School of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of North Dakota: Rural Health Department
Project Investigator: Dr. Patricia Moulton
Research Consultant, 2004
National Health Services Corps Student/Resident Experiences and Rotation in
Community Health (SEARCH). Center for Rural Health, School of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of North Dakota: Rural Health Department
Project Investigator: Mary Amundson, MA
Research Assistant, 2003
Prevalence of Chronic Disease in American Indian Elders. Center for Rural Health, School of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of North Dakota: Rural Health Department
Project Investigator: Dr. Patricia Moulton
Research Assistant, 2000 – 2005
Cognitive Physiology Laboratory, University of North Dakota
Psychology Department
Project Investigator: Dr. Thomas Petros
Research Assistant, 2000 – 2005
Cognitive Aging Laboratory, University of North Dakota
Psychology Department
Project Investigator: Dr. F. Richard Ferraro
Research Assistant, 2000 – 2004
Operant Behavioral Sciences Animal Laboratory, University of North Dakota
Psychology Department
Project Investigator: Dr. Jeffrey N. Weatherly
Research Assistant, 2001 – 2002
Physiological and psychological consequences of zinc deprivation in Sprague-Dawley rats. United States Department of Agriculture Human Nutrition Research Center, Animal Research Laboratory
Project Investigator: Dr. James Penland, Supervised by Dr. Patricia Moulton
Research Assistant, 1997 – 2000
Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory, Western Oregon University
Project Investigator: Dr. Joel Alexander
Undergrad courses taught
Introduction to Psychology
Cognitive Psychology
Child Development
Adult and Adolescent Development
Introduction to Statistics w/Lab
Forensic Psychology
Human Sexuality
Abnormal Psychology
Honors Seminar
Independent Study
Introduction to Women’s Studies: Women and Violence
Professional Seminar
Psychology and Social Issues – Co-taught with Political Science Professor
Undergraduate/Graduate Workshop: Eyewitness Memory
Undergraduate/Graduate Workshop: Forensic Science
Undergraduate/Graduate Workshop: Internet Addiction/Overuse
Undergraduate/Graduate Workshop: Overview of Parapsychology
Undergraduate/Graduate Workshop: Movies and Psychology Series: Heroism
Undergraduate/Graduate Workshop: The Psychology of Self-Destruction and Suicide
Undergraduate/Graduate Workshop: Gambling, Gaming, Shopping, & Sex: Non-Substance Addictions
Undergraduate/Graduate Workshop: Movies and Psychology Series: Abnormal Psychology
Undergraduate/Graduate Workshop: Cults and Mind Control
Undergraduate/Graduate Workshop: Movies and Psychology Series: Crime and Punishment
Undergraduate/Graduate Workshop: The Psychology of Death and Dying
Undergraduate/Graduate Workshop: Women and Violence: Victims, Perpetrators, and Heroines – Taught for Psychology and Women’s Studies Departments
Undergraduate/Graduate Workshop: Sin, Sex and Psychology – Co-taught with Political Science Professor
Undergraduate /Graduate Workshop: PTSD, Head Injury, and Suicide: Veteran’s Issues
Undergraduate/Graduate Workshop: The Psychology of Evil
Undergraduate/Graduate Workshop: Movies and Psychology Series: Reality Formation
Online Courses (Built and Taught)
Online Introduction to Psychology
Online Introduction to Statistics
Online Abnormal Psychology
Online Cognitive Psychology
Online Forensic Psychology
Current research
Decision Making in Online Environments, Eyewitness Memory
Bartle, J., King, B., & Alexander, J. (1998). EEG power differences due to the use of melatonin. Cognitive Neuroscience Society 1998 Annual Meeting Abstract Program: A Supplement of the Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 114.
King, B .M., Brandt, A., & Weatherly, J. N. (2002). Up or down: the influence of upcoming reinforcement on consummatory and operant behavior. Journal of General Psychology, 129, 443-461.
Weatherly, J. N., King, B.M., & Arthur, E. I. L. (2002). Rats’ lever pressing for 1% sucrose and food-pellet reinforcement: In search of negative behavioral contrast. The Psychological Record, 52, 507-529.
Ferraro, F. R., King, B. M., Ronning, B., Pekarski, K., & Risan, J. (2003). Effects of induced emotional state on lexical processing in younger and older adults. The Journal of Psychology, 137, 262-272.
Weatherly, J. N., Arthur, E .I.L., & King, B. M. (2003). Positive induction produced by food-pellet reinforcement: Component variations have little effect. The Psychological Record, 53, 269-285.
Weatherly, J. N., King, B. M., & Uran, E. L. (2003). Upcoming food-pellet reinforcement alters rats’ lever pressing for liquid sucrose delivered by a progressive-ratio schedule. Behavioural Processes, 63, 73-86.
Ferraro, F. R., & King, B. M. (2004). Release from proactive interference with positive and negative words. The Psychological Record, 54, 199-206.
Weatherly, J. N., Lang. K. K., & King, B. M. (2004). Does the temporal placement of food-pellet reinforcement alter induction when rats respond on a three-component multiple schedule? The Psychological Record, 54, 319-335.
Weatherly, J. N., Sauter, J. M., & King, B. M. (2004). The “big win” and resistance to extinction when gambling. The Journal of Psychology, 495-504.
J. N., Arthur, E. I. L., King, B. M. (2005). Positive induction is not a function of “timing.”. The Psychological Record, 55, 279-295.
Moulton, P., Petros, T., Apostal, K., Park, R., Ronning, B., King, B. & Penland J. (2005). Alcohol-induced impairment of enhancement of memory: A test of the interference theory. Physiology and Behavior, 85, 240-245.
Weatherly, J. N., Nurnberger, J. T., Arthur, E. I. L., & King, B. M. (2005). Duration, response, and location: The influence of upcoming 32% sucrose on rats’ licking or lever pressing for 1% liquid sucrose. Behavioural Processes, 70, 80-90.
Weatherly, J. N., Lang, K. K., & King, B. M., Beste, R., & Grove, C. (2006). Induction when rats lick for 1% liquid-sucrose reinforcement. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology B., 59, 654-666.
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