Faculty/Staff Information
Gavin Keulks
Director, Honors Program
88519 | keulksg@wou.edu
APSC 210
Why I chose WOU
At WOU since
Fun fact
Favorite book/movie
Classes Taught
Course | Title | Location | Days | Times |
HNR 351 | HONORS THESIS DEVELOPMENT | ONLINE CRS | ---W--- | 2000-2050 |
HNR 301 | LANGUAGE IN PLACE | BELL 336 | --T-R-- | 1000-1150 |
HNR 300 | UFO'S: GOV'T ON RECORD | BELL 332 | -M-W--- | 1400-1545 |
HNR 303 | DANCE AND THE MOVING IMAGE | OPE 202 | -M-W--- | 1200-1350 |
Professional experience
As Honors Program Director, I oversee all honors recruitment and retention initiatives and coordinate the interdisciplinary honors curriculum, among other duties. The program comprises the top 3% of WOU's undergraduate population. As a lit prof, I specialize in 20th-century English and Irish literature, especially fiction of the post-World War II period. I also teach classes in literary history, critical theory, and film. My scholarly projects are oriented to both general and specialized audiences, including books on Kingsley Amis and Martin Amis to essays on Salman Rushdie and Jeanette Winterson, among others. An 80,000 word novel, Flight, remains unpublished but was perhaps my most meaningful endeavor. I am currently under contract as editor for the Cambridge Companion to Martin Amis (forthcoming, 2026) and am working on a book about Irish traumatic spaces.
If you are seeking information related to the Honors Program and its classes, please visit our webpage at www.wou.edu/honors . For more about my classes and scholarship please visit https://wou.edu/wp/keulksg/ .
Awards and honors
Mario & Alma Pastega Award for Excellence in Scholarship, WOU, 2007
Faculty Advisor of the Year, WOU, 2015
Faculty Advisor of the Year, NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising, 2016
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