Faculty/Staff Information
Ya-Fang Cheng
, Education & Leadership
Why I chose WOU
WOU has outstanding faculty and staff who promote quality and equitable early childhood education and teacher education. WOU creates strong and supportive learning communities where I enjoy learning together with students and everyone at WOU.At WOU since
Fun fact
I have a cat named Sweet Potato.Hometown
Taipei, TaiwanFavorite book/movie
Classes Taught
Course | Title | Location | Days | Times |
ED 224 | CREATIVE ARTS ECE | RWEC 103 | ----R-- | 1300-1550 |
ED 224 | CREATIVE ARTS ECE | RWEC 103 | ----R-- | 1300-1550 |
ED 224 | CREATIVE ARTS ECE | HYBRD* CRS | ------- | - |
ED 368 | BIL SCIENCE & SOC STDS EC SETT | ONLINE CRS | ------- | - |
ED 224 | CREATIVE ARTS ECE | RWEC 103 | ----R-- | 1300-1550 |
ED 224 | CREATIVE ARTS ECE | RWEC 103 | ----R-- | 1300-1550 |
ED 224 | CREATIVE ARTS ECE | RWEC 103 | ----R-- | 1300-1550 |
ED 232 | HEALTH & SAFETY PRCTCS ECE | ONLINE CRS | ------- | - |
ED 224 | CREATIVE ARTS ECE | RWEC 103 | ----R-- | 1300-1550 |
Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction, Early Childhood Education and Early Literacy focus, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI
M.S. in Early Childhood Education, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan
B.S. in Early Childhood Education, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
Professional experience
2018-2019 Assistant Professor, Education Department, Marian University, Fond du Lac, WI
2017-2018 Instructor, Department of Curriculum and Instructor, UW-Madison, Madison, WI
2015-2018 Graduate Student Consultant/Portfolio Project Liaison/edTPA consultant, Professional Identity Development Office, Teacher Education Center, UW-Madison, Madison, WI
2010-2015 Mandarin Language Teacher, Madison Chinese School, Madison, WI
2013-2014 Preschool Assistant Director and Preschool Teacher, Einstein Preschool-American Chinese School, Madison, WI
Professional memberships
Literacy Research Association (LRA)
International Reconceptualizing Early Childhood Education (RECE)
National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)
Oregon Association for the Education of Young Children (ORAEYC)
American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE)
American Educational Research Association (AERA)
Teaching Focus
Early Childhood Education, Early Literacy
Research Areas
Early Literacy; Professional Identity And Development; Teacher Education; Teacher Beliefs; Early Learning Standards; Online Learning; Equity; Program Quality, Teaching Quality
2020- Present
Project: Building Equity in Online Learning in Educator Preparation Courses
Project: Syllabus as a tool toward an equitable and inclusive teacher education
Western Oregon University, Monmouth, OR
Project: Wisconsin Model of Early Learning Standards (WMELS)--Revision and Teacher Training
Project: Four-year-old Kindergarten Community Approaches History Project
Wisconsin Collaborative Education Research Network Fellow
UW-Madison, Madison, WI & Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction & Waisman Center, Madison, WI
Project: Dual Language Learners in the Preschool Classrooms
Wisconsin Center for Education Research (WCER), World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment (WIDA), UW-Madison, Madison, WI
Grants & Funding
2020 Western Oregon University Foundation Competitive Grants Program ($1000), Western Oregon University
2020 Faculty Development Funds: Research ($3500), Western Oregon University
2019 Faculty Development Funds: Professional Travel to Conference: Serving in Official Capacity ($1200), Western Oregon University
Undergrad courses taught
ED 220 Introduction to Early Childhood Education
ED 224 Creative Arts in Early Childhood Settings
ED 232 Health & Safety Practices for the Early Childhood Environment
ED 345 Designing Early Childhood Environments
ED 369 Critical Issues in Early Childhood
ED 443 Supporting Language, Literacy & Culture
ED 448 Curriculum in Early Childhood Education (birth-4th grade)
ED 485 Contemporary Development in ECE Leadership
Cheng, Y.-F. (2020, February 7). What is in your syllabus? Negotiating course structure and policies, teacher education instructors’ beliefs, and teacher candidates’ diverse needs [Roundtable session]. Oregon Association of Teacher Educators (ORATE) 23rd Annual Conference, Monmouth, OR.
Cheng, Y.-F. (2019, December 5). Early Childhood Teachers' Literacy Beliefs of Literacy Learning Standards: Multidimensional Scaling [Conference session]. 69th Literacy Research Association (LRA) Annual Conference, Tampa, FL.
Cheng, Y.-F. (2019, November 4). Implementing literacy learning standards: Program factors' influences on early childhood teachers' development of profession capital [Conference session]. 27th International RECE (Reconceptualizing Early Childhood Education) Conference, Las Cruces, NM.
Cheng, Y.-F. & Ramberg, E. (2019, February 24). Supervisor constructions of feedback for preservice teacher lesson plans: Reflections on social justice and teacher educator Professional Growth [Roundtable session]. Paper presented at American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) 71st Annual Meeting, Louisville, KY.
Cheng, Y.-F. (2017, December 1). Early literacy learning standards: A survey study of teachers' perspectives and classroom instruction [Roundtable session]. 67th Literacy Research Association (LRA) Annual Conference, Tampa, FL.
Cheng, Y.-F. (2017, November 16). Early childhood educators' professional capital and implementation of learning standards: Literacy Beliefs and challenges in classroom practices [Conference session]. 2017 National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Cheng, Y.-F. & Hsu, L.-A. (2017, November 17). The image of the child among early childhood educators in China and its relation to teaching practices [Poster presentation]. 2017 National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Meng, C., & Cheng, Y.-F. (2016, July 11). Parent language skills, hyperactivity, and literacy skills: Child gender differences [Poster presentation]. The Administration for Children and Families' (ACF) National Research Conference on Early Childhood (NRCEC), Washington, DC.Meng, C. & Cheng, Y.-F. (2017). A dyadic analysis of Head Start parents’ depressive symptoms and parent involvement: sense of mastery as a mediator. Early Child Development and Care, 187(11), 1718-1731.
Compton-Lilly, C., Zamzow, L., Cheng, Y.-F., Yu, M., Durón, A., Goralski-Cumbajin, B., Hagerman, D., and Quast, E. (2015). Qualitative research: An introduction to methods and designs. Educational Action Research, 23(1), 116-120.
Meng, C., & Cheng, Y.-F. (2016, July). Effects of social-behavioral skills and parents’ language skills on Spanish dual language learners’ literacy skills [Poster presentation]. The Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Porto, Portugal.
Cheng, Y.-F. (2016, May 15). Wisconsin early childhood educators’ perspectives on and classroom implementation of literacy learning standards: Initial results [Conference session]. Paper presented at 2016 Century Forum and the International Symposium on Early Childhood Education. Symposium conducted at the meeting of 2016 Annual Academic Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.
Cheng, Y.-F. & Meng, C. (2016, April 12). A dyadic analysis of Head Start parent involvement: Sense of mastery as a mediator [Roundtable session]. 2016 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
Cheng, Y.-F. & Kim, J. (2016, February 7). Autoethnographic research for improving at-risk students’ literacy skills: The professional development of two Asian teachers through a teacher learning community [Conference session]. NCTEAR (National Council of Teachers of English, the Assembly for Research) conference, Ypsilanti, MI.
Cheng, Y.-F. & Tu, I.-J. (2015, April 17). Anything wrong? Anything missing? An analysis of Common Core State Standards for kindergarten in early literacy using the lens of developmentally appropriate practice [Roundtable session]. 2015 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
Cheng, Y.-F., Hsu, L.-A., & Quast, E. (2014, June 9). Improving school readiness: Research on using standards-based assessment in preschool classrooms [Conference session]. 2014 National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Professional Development, Minneapolis, MN.
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