Faculty/Staff Information
Carmen Caceda
She/Hers- Ella/Su (de ella)
Prof. of Education: ESOL/BIL, Education & Leadership
88409 | cacedac@wou.edu
RWEC 222
Why I chose WOU
At WOU since
Dancing, reading, and sleeping!Fun fact
San Mateo, Lima, PeruFavorite book/movie
Office Hours
Mon | Tues | Weds | Thurs | Fri |
1:30-3:30 p.m. | ||||
By appointment in-person orvia Zoom (https://bit.ly/3Qko6Up) |
Ph.D. in Culture, Literacy and Language: University of Texas at San Antonio
M.A. in Spanish Language and Literature: Villanova University, Pennysylvania
M.A. in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL): University of Edinburgh, Scotland
B.Ed. in English with a Spanish minor: Universidad Nacional de Educati)n “Enrique Guzman y Valle”, Lima, Peru
B.Ed. in English: Instituto Pedagogico Nacional de Monterrico (IPN-M), Lima, Peru
Professional experience
I began teaching English as a foreign language (EFL) to middle and high schoolers at Colegio Nacional “San Martin de Porres” in San Gregorio, Lima, Peru, in 1982. In 1991, I was part of the English for Secondary Schools (ESS) Project, a project devised by the Peruvian Ministry of Education and The British Council. My main task was to prepare EFL teachers nationwide. Preparing in-service teachers made me realize that as an educator I could provoke more impact than as a classroom teacher. After finishing my commitment with the ESS Project, I obtained a tenure-track position at Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Facultad de Educación. I initially taught the Culture and Civilization of English-speaking countries course. I was later asked to teach the EFL methods course. I simultaneously worked as a language instructor at Asociación Cultural Peruano–Británica (ACPB) to practice what I preached. When preparing teachers, I sometimes did not have answers for some of their questions so I decided to broaden my academic horizons.
I came to the United States to pursue an M.A. in Spanish Literature and to teach Spanish at Villanova University, Pennsylvania, in 2002. Teaching my home language provided me with an opportunity to view Spanish with other lenses. As I taught Spanish, it made me question why so few language learners achieve a high level of proficiency in a foreign/second language. Eager to find answers to my questions, I decided to pursue a Ph.D. in Culture, Literacy, and Language at the University of Texas at San Antonio. At UTSA, I prepared English as a second language (ESL) teacher candidates. The transition from the EFL to the ESL preparation field encouraged me to revisit some of the beliefs I had mistakenly held (e.g., that the translanguaging practice should not be welcome in a language class). My doctoral studies provided me with a sound rationale to interweave the three areas (culture, literacy and language) to better understand the language learning process, and particularly the learning process of emergent bilingual (EB) learners in the U.S.
I joined Western Oregon University (WOU) in September of 2009 and have enjoyed preparing both teacher candidates and teachers for the K-12 system. I am also privileged to prepare future bilingual teachers, and I have taught various courses in my home language. As an educator, I would like to continue contributing to the language fields (EFL/ESL/bilingual) here in the U.S., in Peru, in China, in Taiwan, or in any other country.
Teaching Focus
Language, Culture, and methods courses for the ESOL/Bilingual path.
Research Areas
The following are some of my research interests: Teacher candidates’ beliefs, bicultural/bilingual practices, language and identity issues, and the preparation of EFL/ESL/Bilingual teachers.
Grants & Funding
U.S. Department of Education, National Professional Development Program, “Project SPELL (Sustainable Practices for English Language Learners),” ESOL Specialist, 2011-2016, $1,915,069
University/School Partnership Title II-A, Project LUISA (Language Understanding to Improve Student Achievement), Co-Investigator with Dr. Dantas-Whitney, 2012-2013, $172,984
Grad courses taught
ED 534: Content Pedagogy I: World Languages
ED 536: Content Pedagogy II: World Language
ED 609: ESOL/Bilingual Practicum
ED 609: MAT Practicum, Spanish
ED 616: Half-time Student Teaching
ED 618: Teaching Equity Justice & Agency
ED 631: Methodology: English Language Development
ED 655: ED Foundations of Literacy: ¿Qué es la lecto-escritura? (BIL)
ED 656: Professional Seminar I
ED 657: Professional Seminar II
ED 658: Professional Seminar III
ED 659: Professional Seminar IV
ED 681: Principles and Practices in ESOL and Bilingual Education
ED 682: Sociopolitical Foundations of ESOL/Bilingual Education
ED 683: Fostering Cultural and Community Connections in the ESOL/Bilingual Classroom
ED 691: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Strategies for English Language Learners
ED 692: ELD for ESOL and Bilingual Settings (former Classroom Strategies in First & Second
Language Reading & Writing)
ED 694: Assessment of English Language Learners
ED 697: MAT Full-time Student Teaching and Online Clinical Practice
Undergrad courses taught
ED 200: (bilingually taught): Foundations in Education
ED 409: Practicum: Bilingual/Multicultural
ED 411: Practicum: Term 1: Spanish
ED 434: Content Pedagogy I: World Languages: Spanish
ED 436: Content Pedagogy II: World Languages: Spanish
ED 446: Environments for Diverse Learners
ED 481: Introduction to ESOL and Bilingual Education
ED 482: Foundations of ESOL/Bilingual Education (taught in English and bilingually)
ED 483: Culture, Community and the ESOL/Bilingual Classroom (taught in English and bilingually)
ED 484: Language Acquisition and Educational Linguistics (taught in English and bilingually)
ED 492: Teaching Reading and Writing to ESOL & Bilingual Students
ED 498: Online Clinical Practice
Caires-Hurley, J., Ittner, A., Miller Emerson, A., and Cáceda, C. R. (2021). What counts as official knowledge? Pursuing accreditation in a post-truth era. In M. Jimenez-Silva & J. Bempechat (Eds.). Latinx Experiences in U.S. Schools: Voices of Students, Teachers, Teacher Educators and Education Allies in Today’s Sociopolitical Context. Lexington.
Cárdenas Beltrán, M.L., Murillo Lara, L.A., & Cáceda, C. R., (Eds.) (2019). Formación de Docentes en Universidades Latinoamericanas. Bogotá, Editorial UNIAGUSTINIANA.
Schulze, J., & Cáceda, C. R. (2019). ESOL Teacher preparation in China: Insights from a US perspective. ORTESOL Journal, 36, 4-16.
Dantas-Whitney, M. & Cáceda, C. R. (2017). Aprendices de una segunda lengua examinan situaciones de poder e identidad en el discurso académico a través de una etnografía colaborativa [L2 college students examine issues of power and identity in academic discourse through collaborative ethnography]. In A. Guerrero, C.V. Echevarría, A. Clemente, M. Dantas-Whitney, & D. Milstein (Eds.). Borders, límites y fronteras: Encuentros etnográficos con niños, niñas y adolescentes [Borders, limits and frontiers: Ethnographic meetings with children and adolescents]. Bogotá: Editorial Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.
Cáceda, C., Wu, H., & Guerra, J. M. (2017). My cultural backpack activity: A reflective teaching note. The ORTESOL Journal, 34, 81-83.
Troyer, R., Cáceda, C., & Gimenez-Eguibar, P. (2015). Unseen Spanish in small-town America: A minority language in the linguistic landscape. In R. Rubdy & S. B. Said (Eds.), Conflict, exclusion and dissent in the linguistic landscape (language and globalization (pp. 52-76). London: Palgrave Mcmillan.
Langman, J., Bailey, R., and Cáceda, C. (2015). Second language socialization in adolescence: Exploring multiple trajectories. International Journal of TESOL and Learning, 4 (1), 33-50.
Cáceda, C. & Wu, H. (2014). New literacy studies and new varieties of English. Proceedings from 2014 International conference – Global education for digital natives. National Science Council, Taipei, Taiwan.
Cáceda, C. (2014). Western Oregon University and TESOL 2014. ORTESOL Spring Quarterly Newsletter 37 (1), 6.
Cáceda, C. (2013). Teaching tip: Making language explicit. ORTESOL Winter Quarterly Newsletter, 36(1), 3.
Cáceda, C. (2012). T-E-SOL-Only Connect: Revisiting Notes from a Plenary Session. ORTESOL Winter Quarterly Newsletter, 35(1), 3-5.
Cáceda, C. (2011). Reflections about the comprehensible input and the comprehensible output hypotheses. ORTESOL Fall Quarterly Newsletter, 34(4), 2-3.
Bulman, T. & Rice, G. (2011). El Atlas de Oregón para Estudiantes: Un atlas para los estudiantes de primaria y secundaria. (K. Adams, N. Hunt, C. Fuller, D. Holmstrum, C. Wehner, J. Mar-Zaleski, & C. Cáceda, Trans.) Portland State University: Oregon (Original work published in 2008).
Cáceda, C. (2010). Teacher Candidates’ Beliefs about English Language Learners’ Characteristics. The ORTESOL Journal, Volume 28, 1-8.
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