Faculty/Staff Information
Cheryl Beaver
, Mathematics
88404 | beaverc@wou.edu
MNB 123
Why I chose WOU
At WOU since
Fun fact
Favorite book/movie
Office Hours
Mon | Tues | Weds | Thurs | Fri |
3-3:50 | 9-9:50 | 11-11:50 and 3-3:50 | 9-9:50 | |
MNB 123 |
Classes Taught
Course | Title | Location | Days | Times |
MTH 398 | DISCRETE MTH ELM/MID SCHL TCHR | MNB 104 | -M-W--- | 1400-1550 |
MTH 403 | MATHEMATICS SENIOR CAPSTONE | --- --- | ------- | - |
MTH 403 | MATHEMATICS SENIOR CAPSTONE | --- --- | ------- | - |
MTH 344 | GROUP THEORY | MNB 104 | --T-R-- | 1000-1150 |
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