Faculty/Staff Information
Joselyn Salaz
, Psychological Sciences Department
88944 | salazj@wou.edu
TH 304
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Classes Taught
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Dr. Joselyn Salaz has a Doctorate in Counseling Psychology, Clinical Supervision and Counselor Education & a Masters degree in Counseling Psychology from Oregon State University’s CACREP graduate programs. She also received her Bachelor’s of Science in Psychology from Western Oregon University.
Professional experience
Dr. Salaz is an active member of the Association of Adult Development & Aging, Western Association for Counselor Educators & Supervisors, American Counseling Association,Oregon Counseling Association, The Association for Integrative Psychology and the American Psychological Association.
Awards and honors
Dr. Joselyn Salaz has received two community enrichment awards and a National Health Service Corps award through her mental health employment, a Chi Sigma Iota honor from OSU and an outstanding psychology senior and Phi Kappa Phi award from WOU.
Professional memberships
Dr. Salaz is an active member of the Association of Adult Development & Aging, Western Association for Counselor Educators & Supervisors, American Counseling Association,Oregon Counseling Association, The Association for Integrative Psychology and the American Psychological Association.
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