Faculty/Staff Information
Kristen L. Pratt
, Education & Leadership
89221 | prattk@wou.edu
Why I chose WOU
Western Oregon University is an incredible place. The College of Education is a dynamic, thriving space engaged in transformative transgressive practice, of which I am proud to be a part. I chose WOU because of the people, the familial engird that abounds, and the vision and mission to support grow-your-own efforts here in Oregon.At WOU since
Baking, hiking, reading, playing with my dog, traveling, pottery, and gardening.Fun fact
Favorite book/movie
Office Hours
Mon | Tues | Weds | Thurs | Fri |
Please email to schedule individual consultation. |
Classes Taught
Course | Title | Location | Days | Times |
ED 607 | ESOL: SPECIAL PROJECTS | ONLINE CRS | ------- | - |
ED 482 | FOUNDATION TO ESOL & BILING ED | --- --- | ------- | - |
ED 429 | FP PROF DEV SEM III | ONLINE CRS | -M----- | 1700-1850 |
ED 683 | PP FOST CULT & COMM CONN ESOL | ONLINE CRS | ------- | - |
ED 429 | FP PROF DEV SEM III | ONLINE CRS | -M----- | 1700-1850 |
ED 429 | FP PROF DEV SEM III | ONLINE CRS | ------- | - |
ED 429 | FP PROF DEV SEM III | ONLINE CRS | -M----- | 1700-1850 |
ED 429 | FP PROF DEV SEM III | ONLINE CRS | -M----- | 1700-1850 |
Ph.D. Washington State University Pullman, WA
Language, Literacy and Culture: 2017
Department of Teaching and Learning
Ed.M. Washington State University Vancouver, WA
Language and Literacy: 2008
Department of Teaching and Learning
B.A. Pacific Lutheran University, Parkland WA
Education, English as a Second Language, Spanish: 2000
Department of Teaching and Learning
Professional experience
2023- Present Associate Professor ESOL and Bilingual Education
UG FLEX (Flexible Licensure Educator Pathways) Coordinator
Awards and honors
2024 Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, Inductee
2023 Acquiring Grants Award Western Oregon University Human Resource Office
2022 Acquiring Grants Award Western Oregon University Human Resource Office
2019-2020 Outstanding Leadership- American Education Research Association Bilingual Education Research SIG (given to chairs of working groups)
2018 Outstanding Dissertation of the Year- Second Language Research, Special Interest Group, American Education Research Association.
Teaching Focus
ESOL and Bilingual Courses and the Flexible Licensure Educator Pathways Program
- University Supervisor Bilingual Teacher Scholars- K-12, DL, Spanish, Math
- University Liaison with Collaborative District and NWRESD Partner
- Clinical Experience- Flexible Pathways
- Equity, Justice and Agency: Environments for Diverse Learners (ED 618/446)
- Language Acquisition and Ed. Linguistics in ESOL/Bilingual Ed. (ED 684)
- Curriculum Models and Instructional Materials for ELLs (ED 691)
- Assessment of English Language Learners (ED 694)
- Theoretical Foundations of Emergent Bilingual Education (ED 682/482)
- Instructional Strategies for ESOL/Bilingual Students (ED 692/492)
- Introduction to ESOL/Bilingual Education (ED 681/481)
- Classroom Management (ED 450)
Research Areas
My work explores the intersections of language, race, education, and equity. My research aims to understand the intertextuality of raciolinguistic ideologies within macro language education policies and micro enactments in local contexts with a particular focus on addressing issues of equitable access and opportunity within ethnoracially and linguistically diverse communities.
Grants & Funding
2024 Meyer Memorial Trust Foundation: Project EXCEL (Evaluation of Pathways for Continued Excellence for Licensure), Invited Application, $60,000.00 (funded- Co-Director and Co-PI with M. Dantas-Whitney)
2024 Oregon Bilingual Teacher Pathways Grant: Project FIRST (Factors Impacting Retention and Sustainability for Teachers), Oregon Department of Education, $145,846.03 (funded- Co-Director and Co-PI with M. Dantas-Whitney)
2024 Oregon Grow-Your-Own Grant: Project REAL (Residency for Educators to Access Licensure), Oregon Department of Education, Educator Advancement Council, $612,500.00 (funded- Co-Director and Co-PI with M. LeJeune)
2023 Community of Practice: Oregon Open Educational Resources Supporting Students Who Are Emergent Bilingual, Oregon Department of Education, $9,582.00 (funded- Co-Director and Co-PI with M. Dantas-Whitney)
2022 Oregon Grow-Your-Own Grant: Project ASSET (Alternative Sustainable Systems for Educating Teachers), Oregon Department of Education, Educator Advancement Council, $347,642.00 (funded- Co-Director with M. Dantas-Whitney)
2022-2027 National Professional Development: Project PROMISE (Partnerships, Resources, and Opportunities for Multilinguals through Inclusive and Sustainable Education), Office of English Language Acquisition, $2,989,048.00 (funded- Co-Director and Co-PI with M. Dantas-Whitney)
Selected Publications
Puzio, K., & Pratt, K. L. (2024). Differentiation in a digital age: Supporting equity and agency in science literacy. In Doris Walker-Dalhouse & Victoria J. Risko (Eds), Equitable literacy instruction for students in poverty. Teachers College Press
Pratt, K. L., Puzio, K., Lee, Y. H., Crawford, L., & Hatton, A. (2023). A mixed methods critical content analysis of Pura Belpré award and honor texts: Applications for practice. International Journal of Multicultural Education, 25(1), 81-102.
Pratt, K. L., Tellez-Osorno, G., Solis, M. J. (2023). Key principles of Spanish support for linguistically responsive instruction for Latina/o/x English language learners. In Bogum Yoon and Kristen L. Pratt (Eds), English language learners’ primary language impact on second language and literacy learning: Linguistically responsive strategies for classroom teachers. Lexington Books. ISBN-13 9781666907117
Pratt, K. L. & Dantas-Whitney, M. (2021). The power of educational leaders to influence school climates of equity and change. In R. Shankar-Brown (Ed.) Bending the arc towards justice: Equity-focused practices for educational leaders. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Pratt, K. L. & Dantas-Whitney, M. (2020). Educational Leaders’ Agentive Power to Disrupt Racial and Linguistic Hierarchies. The Journal of Language, Identity and Education. https://doi.org/10.1080/15348458.2020.1832495
Pratt, K. L., & Ernst-Slavit, G. (2019). Equity perspectives and restrictionist policies: Tensions in dual language bilingual education. Bilingual Education Research Journal. https://doi.org/10.1080/15235882.2019.1647900
Pratt, K. L., Puzio, K., Lee, Y. H. (2018). “¡Olé!” Locating capital and cultural wealth within multicultural children’s literature. The Journal of Latinos and Education, DOI: 10.1080/15348431.2018.1540350
Puzio, K., Newcomer, S., & Pratt, K. L. (2018). Learning from our stories: Narratives in culturally responsive teaching. In D. Conrad & S. Blackman, Caribbean discourse in inclusive education: Responding to learner diversity and difficulties. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing (IAP), Inc.
Pratt, K. L. & Ernst-Slavit, G. (2017). Teacher questions: Learning the discourse of science in a linguistically diverse elementary classroom. Linguistics and Education, 40, 1-10.
Puzio, K., Newcomer, S., Pratt, K. L., Burkes, K., Jacobs, M., & Hooker, S. (2017). Creative Failures in Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy. Language Arts, (94)4, 223-233.
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