Faculty/Staff Information
Lisa Porter
, Occupational Therapy
88966 | porterl@wou.edu
Why I chose WOU
I chose WOU because of the people! I'm excited to be part of this innovative, student-centered, passionate team! I love WOU's commitment to diversity, first-generation students, and student-centered learning. I'm excited to be part of building this program with an amazing team, which includes our students!At WOU since
Backpacking, hiking, SUP, kayaking, cooking, traveling, and lifelong learning.Fun fact
I am an Appalachian Trail thru-hiker!Hometown
Born in Detroit, MI, grew up in Nashville, TN.Favorite book/movie
Classes Taught
Course | Title | Location | Days | Times |
OTD 706 | CLINICAL CONDITIONS I | VICK 219 | --T---- | 1430-1600 |
OTD 707 | CLINICAL CONDITIONS II | VICK 221 | -M----- | 1430-1600 |
OTD 735 | INTRO TO APPLIED RESEARCH | VICK 219 | ---W-F- | 1000-1130 |
OTD 706 | CLINICAL CONDITIONS I | VICK 219 | --T---- | 1000-1130 |
OTD 735 | INTRO TO APPLIED RESEARCH | VICK 219 | ---W-F- | 1000-1130 |
OTD 706 | CLINICAL CONDITIONS I | VICK 219 | --T---- | 1000-1130 |
OTD 707 | CLINICAL CONDITIONS II | VICK 221 | -M----- | 1430-1600 |
OTD 751 | OCCUPTNL BASED THERAPTC GROUPS | VICK 221 | ---W--- | 1230-1530 |
OTD 710 | CLINICAL SKILLS | VICK 221 | -----F- | 1230-1530 |
OTD 707 | CLINICAL CONDITIONS II | VICK 221 | -M----- | 1000-1130 |
OTD 707 | CLINICAL CONDITIONS II | VICK 221 | -M----- | 1000-1130 |
OTD 751 | OCCUPTNL BASED THERAPTC GROUPS | VICK 221 | ---W--- | 1230-1530 |
OTD 710 | CLINICAL SKILLS | VICK 221 | -----F- | 1230-1530 |
OTD 706 | CLINICAL CONDITIONS I | VICK 219 | --T---- | 1430-1600 |
2020 Doctor of Philosophy - Pediatric Science
Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions - Provo, UT
2017 Doctor of Occupational Therapy – Pediatric Track
Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions - Provo, UT
1994 Master of Occupational Therapy
Rockhurst University - Kansas City, MO
1989 Bachelor of Arts, English
Indiana University - Bloomington, IN
Professional experience
Owner, Director, Clinical Supervisor - Sensory KIDS, LLC - Portland, OR
Clinical & Research Fellow – STAR Institute - Centennial, CO
Occupational Therapist - Portland Public Schools - Portland, OR
Occupational Therapist - St. Charles Medical Center - Bend, OR
Senior Occupational Therapist - Grady Memorial Hospital - Atlanta, GA
Occupational Therapist - Emory University Center for Rehab Medicine - Atlanta, GA
What will you do and learn in my courses
As an educator, I strive to model and teach the foundations of reflective practice and professional reasoning, both of which are rooted in curiosity, self-awareness, and the ability to ask thoughtful questions. In my classes you can count on learning about the critical role of sensory integration and processing across the lifespan and across contexts. I believe learning is an embodied process, requiring your active involvement and my commitment to relational teaching.
Research Areas
- OT students' sense of beloning
- Reflective practice and professional reasing
- Parents as adult learners
- Sensory integration and processing
Current research
Porter, L., Lane, S., Sweeney, J., Demchick, B., Mullens, P., & Kearney, B. (in revision). Learning Needs During a Group Parent-training with Parents of Children with Sensory Over-responsivity: A Mixed Methods Study.
Porter, L., Johnson, K. & Brown, C. (in progress). A Qualitative Exploration of Black Occupational Therapy Students’ Sense of Belonging.
Spielmann, V., Schoen, S., & Porter, L. (submitted). A Frame of Reference for Sensory Integration and Processing Differences: Sensory Therapies and Research (STAR) in Kramer, P. (Ed.), Frames of reference for pediatric occupational therapy, 3rd Edition. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Porter, L., Sheekey, C., Brady, E., & Kearney, B. (in revise and resubmit stage). Professional Reasoning in Play-Based OT: A Pilot Study of Professional reasoning and Reflection on Observation (PROOF): An Organizational Framework.
Miller, D., Schoen, S., Schmitt, C., & Porter, L. (2023). A Qualitative Analysis of Adults and Adolescents’ Lived Experiences with Sensory Challenges. The American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 77(5).
Porter, L., Lane, S., Sweeney, J., Demchick, B., Mullens, P., & Kearney, B. (2023). Parents as Adult Learners in Occupational Therapy for Children with Sensory Challenges: A Scoping Study. The American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 77(1).
Spielmann, V., & Porter, L. M. (2019). Model of Imposed Adaptation in Childhood Learning Environments—Application to Autism. A precarious game of developmental Jenga. Autism and Developmental Disorders, 17(2), 18-33.
Tavassoli, T., Brandes-Aitken, A., Chu, R., Porter, L., Schoen, S., Miller, L. J., ... & Marco, E. J. (2019). Sensory over-responsivity: parent report, direct assessment measures, and neural architecture. Molecular autism, 10(1), 4.
Secondary Sources
Miller, L. J., Porter, L. M., & Bialer, D. S. (2021). No Longer A SECRET: Unique Common Sense Strategies for Children with Sensory or Regulation Challenges. Arlington, TX: Sensory World.
Freese, D., Porter, L., & Pelham-Foster, S. (2016). Providing Parent Education for Children with Sensory Processing Disorder. OT Practice, 21(12), 18-20.
Blanton, S., Porter, L., Smith, D., & Wolf, S. (1999). Strategies to Enhance Mobility in Traumatic Brain Injured Patients. In Rosenthal, M., Griffith, E.R., Kreutzer, J.S., & Pentland, B. (Eds.), Rehabilitation of the Adult and Child with Traumatic Brain Injury (219-241). Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis Company.
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