Faculty/Staff Information
CM Hall
, College of Education
88731 | hallcm@wou.edu
RWEC 150
Why I chose WOU
At WOU since
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Classes Taught
Course | Title | Location | Days | Times |
ASL 470 | DEAFBLIND CULT, COMM & GUIDING | RWEC 107 | ----R-- | 1600-1850 |
Areas of responsibility
In my role as co-director of the DeafBlind Interpreting National Training & Resource Center, we are workign to prepare more interpreters in the language and culture of DeafBlind individuals.
At Western I teach courses related to DeafBlind Culture, Communication and Guiding for the ASL Studies & Interpreting Programs. I also teach LGBTQ Studies for the Sociology Department and have long been an LGBTQ trainer and educator.
My undergraduate degree is from Western Oregon University in ASL/English Interpretation. My graduate degree is from Oregon State University in Higher Education Administration.
ED.M. in College Student Services Administration, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR
B.S. in Education: American Sign Language/English Interpretation, Western Oregon University, Monmouth, OR.
Professional experience
CM Hall, is co-idrector of the DeafBlind Interpreting National Training & Resource Center at Western Oregon University (WOU). She holds a bachelor’s in the ASL/English Interpreting program from WOU and completed WOU’s one-year interpreter training program (1992-93). She holds a Master’s in Education from Oregon State University in College Student Services Administration. She has worked in K-12 and various post-secondary environments as a staff interpreter and has considerable experience with platform and DeafBlind interpreting.
CM teaches DeafBlind Culture, Communication, & Guiding courses at Western as well as LGBTQ Studies for the Sociology Department. She is a former member of the national board of the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf and also previously served on the national Diversity Council. She has been in leadership as a part of the LGBTQ interpreter group, BLeGIT. In her professional work, she actively contributes to the www.DiscoverInterpreting.com initiative,
In addition to her background as an interpreter and interpreter educator, CM has had a successful career as fundraiser and political strategist for nonprofit organizations, as well as having worked on several national and statewide Democratic candidate as well as ballot initiative political campaigns. She currently chairs the Emerge Oregon board and serves on the Newport City Council.
CM is a proud lifelong Oregonian committed to equality and social justice and is a fierce Words With Friends player.
Awards and honors
CM has been recognized for her advocacy work by Basic Rights Oregon, Pride Northwest, and the Gay & Lesbian Archives of the Pacific Northwest, Campus Pride, the Human Rights Campaign, and the Oregon Association of the Deaf, the Oregon Deaf & Hard of Hearing Advisory Committee, and the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, and Western Oregon University’s Stonewall Center. CM is proud of these honors as they represent projects and collaborations with many individuals over the years. In 2015, she was invited to present at a TEDx on the topic of linguistic access as a social justice issue.
Professional memberships
Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf
Teaching Focus
LGBTQ Studies
DeafBlind Culture, Communication & Guiding
Research Areas
DeafBlind Interpreting
Grants & Funding
DeafBlind Interpreting National Training & Resource Center (An RSA grant.) 2021-2026
Undergrad courses taught
ASL 470 DeafBlind Culture, Communication, & Guiding
ASL 471 Seabeck Service-Learning Practicum
SOC 465 LGBTQ Studies
Toward Effective Practice, 2018
DeafBlind Interpreting National Training & Resource Center
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