Faculty/Staff Information
Emma Garrett
88007 | garrette@wou.edu
Why I chose WOU
The tight-knit community and dedication of faculty and staff to the betterment of the university.At WOU since
Horseback riding, fishing, avian hunting, reading, and low-stakes hiking.Fun fact
My favorite dessert is cheesecake-- I will only order dessert at a restaurant if cheesecake is on the menu (especially the kind with the burnt top).Hometown
Banks, ORFavorite book/movie
I love anything rom-com, books and movies!Education
Bachelor's of Arts in Russian and Applied Linguistics
Master's of Science in Communication
Professional experience
My higher education experience includes four years working directly with students in the Dean of Student Life's Office and Office of Student Affairs, and two years of student teaching in the communication department. I also have almost a year of working in the non-profit sector for youth programs before returning to hire education.
Awards and honors
Phi Sigma Iota International Honors Society for Foreign Language
University Honors College at Portland State University
Graduate Teaching Assistant Program
Genny Olmstead Community Service Award
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