Faculty/Staff Information
Shruti Gadkari
, Occupational Therapy
Why I chose WOU
As Oregon's oldest public university, WOU's foray into healthcare programs was a welcome step for prospective students as well as clinical settings. I like that WOU's OTD program is paying special attention to developing a more holistic admissions process and providing affordable education. This will hopefully bring some much needed diversification within the profession.At WOU since
Reading, gardening, painting (very much an amateur!)Fun fact
Mumbai, IndiaFavorite book/movie
Too many, but I really enjoy books related to ancient history.Classes Taught
Course | Title | Location | Days | Times |
OTD 707 | CLINICAL CONDITIONS II | VICK 221 | -M----- | 1000-1130 |
OTD 710 | CLINICAL SKILLS | VICK 221 | -----F- | 1230-1530 |
OTD 707 | CLINICAL CONDITIONS II | VICK 221 | -M----- | 1430-1600 |
OTD 751 | OCCUPTNL BASED THERAPTC GROUPS | VICK 221 | ---W--- | 1230-1530 |
OTD 710 | CLINICAL SKILLS | VICK 221 | -----F- | 1230-1530 |
OTD 707 | CLINICAL CONDITIONS II | VICK 221 | -M----- | 1000-1130 |
OTD 706 | CLINICAL CONDITIONS I | VICK 219 | --T---- | 1430-1600 |
OTD 735 | INTRO TO APPLIED RESEARCH | VICK 219 | ---W-F- | 1000-1130 |
OTD 735 | INTRO TO APPLIED RESEARCH | VICK 219 | ---W-F- | 1000-1130 |
OTD 706 | CLINICAL CONDITIONS I | VICK 219 | --T---- | 1000-1130 |
OTD 706 | CLINICAL CONDITIONS I | VICK 219 | --T---- | 1000-1130 |
OTD 706 | CLINICAL CONDITIONS I | VICK 219 | --T---- | 1430-1600 |
OTD 707 | CLINICAL CONDITIONS II | VICK 221 | -M----- | 1430-1600 |
OTD 751 | OCCUPTNL BASED THERAPTC GROUPS | VICK 221 | ---W--- | 1230-1530 |
Areas of responsibility
Assistant professor of Occupational Therapy
Post professional OTD, Thomas Jefferson University (2017)
MA in Occupational Therapy, Uinverity of Southern California (2011)
Bachelors in Occupational Therapy, Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, India (2009)
Professional experience
Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy, Western Oregon University (2024-current)
Adjunct Assistant professor (clinical position), Oregon Health science University (2023-current)
Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy, Pacific University (2018-2024)
School based occupational therapist (2013-2018)
Professional memberships
Member of American Occupational Therapy Association
Member of Occupational Therapy Association Oregon
What will you do and learn in my courses
My teaching philosophy is centered around co-construction of knowledge, where students are equal and active participants in their learning. I view my role as a facilitator in building students’ critical thinking skills and habits of inquiry, to function in a dynamic healthcare environment. I believe in the importance of experiential learning to help students gain practical professional skills.
Research Areas
Trauma and Trauma Informed Care
Early Intervention and Family centered practice
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Student success and support
Grants & Funding
Gadkari, S. & Dulek, J. FY23-24 Faculty development grants, Pacific University. $3000
McCarty, CH, Gadkari, S. & Mandulak, K. Open Educational Resources Mini-Grant. Case-based learning materials for best practice and interprofessional collaboration. Funded. $6000 (total)
Luke, P., Gadkari, S. & Boelter, S. Harold Haynes Research Grant for creation of resources to improve virtual learning environments for children. $1050
Grad courses taught
Occupational therapy with Children & Youth
Evidence based practice (Qualitative research & application)
Assistive Technology
Interprofessional education
Current research
Creating a trauma informed occupational therapy workforce
Self-efficacy in therapeutic use of self among occupational therapy students
Selected Publications:
- Gadkari, S., McCarty Harkins, C., & Pock, R. (2023). Instructional Insights: Building well aligned courses. Occupational Therapy in Health Care, Occupational Therapy In Health Care, https://doi.org/10.1080/07380577.2023.2291785
- Gadkari, S., & Dulek, J. (2023). An Exploration of Occupational Therapy Faculty Perceptions of Student Behaviors. Journal of Occupational Therapy Education, 7 (2). Retrieved from https://encompass.eku.edu/jote/vol7/iss2/1
- Gadkari, S. (2023). Including children with physical impairments in early childhood settings. Teaching Young Children (NAEYC publication), 17 (1), 12-14. https://www.naeyc.org/resources/pubs/tyc/fall2023
- Gadkari, S. (2023). Occupational Therapy and ChatGPT. OT Practice, 28 (7). Retrieved from https://www.aota.org/publications/ot-practice/ot-practice-issues/2023/the-advent-of-artificial-intelligence
Selected Presentations:
- Gadkari S., Luke, P. & Michaels, P. (Accepted proposal). Viewing the impact of virtual learning environments through an interdisciplinary lens. AOTA specialty conference: Children & Youth 2024, Seattle, WA.
- Dulek, J. & Gadkari, S. (2024, May 20-22). Faculty perspectives of student resistance: Related behaviors, contributions and suggestions. Lilly conference 2024, Austin, TX.
- Gadkari, S. (2023, November 8-9). Self-efficacy in therapeutic use of self in occupational therapy students. AOTA Education Summit, Denver, CO [Poster Presentation]
- Gadkari, S., McCarty, C. & Pock, R. (2022, August 8-10). Building well-aligned courses using performance-based objectives. Lilly conference 2022, Asheville, NC.
- Gadkari, S., Dulek, J. & Gorenberg, M. A (2022, March 31-Apr 3). Holistic approach to exploring barriers to learning among occupational therapy graduate students [Poster Presentation]. American Occupational Therapy Association Annual National Conference 2022, San Antonio, TX.
Student presentations
- Cloud, K*, & Gadkari, S. (2023, October 28-29). The role of hippotherapy in improving transitions for children with ASD [Short course presentation]. Occupational Therapy Association of Oregon Annual Conference (2023). Forest Grove, OR
- Bruce, K.*, Sloane, B. & Gadkari, S. Go Baby Go Oregon: Providing play accessibility for children with disabilities. Occupational Therapy Association of Oregon Annual Conference (2023). Forest Grove, OR
- Arvand, K.*, Fairfield, T. & Gadkari, S. The Experience of Parents with Preterm Infants: Through the scope of Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory. American Occupational Therapy Association Conference 2023 [poster presentation].
- Lucas, S.* & Gadkari, S. (2022, October 22). Occupational therapy’s role in peri-operative care in children with ASD [Short course presentation]. Occupational Therapy Association of Oregon Annual Conference (2022). Virtual conference.
- Ly, A.* & Gadkari, S. (2022, March 31-Apr 3). Occupational Therapy’s Role in Pediatric Palliative Care: Advocating for our Discipline’s Role in Emerging Practice Areas [Short course presentation]. American Occupational Therapy Association Annual National Conference 2022, San Antonio, TX.
*student presenter
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