Faculty/Staff Information
Jeffrey Armstrong
, Health & Exercise Science
88999 | armstroj@wou.edu
RWEC 229
Why I chose WOU
At WOU since
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Office Hours
Mon | Tues | Weds | Thurs | Fri |
2-2:30 | 12-2 | 2-2:30 | 12-2 | |
Office hours are held in 303 HWC (Exercise Science lab). |
Classes Taught
Course | Title | Location | Days | Times |
EXS 406 | SIS: SPORTS GENETICS | ONLINE CRS | ------- | - |
EXS 477 | ADV PROGRAMMING SPORT & FITNES | HWC 305 | --T-R-- | 1200-1350 |
EXS 587 | ADV TOPICS EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGY | HWC 303 | --T-R-- | 1000-1150 |
EXS 587 | ADV TOPICS EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGY | HWC 305 | --T-R-- | 1000-1150 |
EXS 577 | ADV PROGRAMMING SPORT & FITNES | HWC 305 | --T-R-- | 1200-1350 |
EXS 373 | PHYSIOLOGY OF EXERCISE | HWC 303 | -M-W--- | 1200-1350 |
EXS 487 | ADV TOP IN PHYSIOLOGY EXERCISE | HWC 303 | --T-R-- | 1000-1150 |
EXS 487 | ADV TOP IN PHYSIOLOGY EXERCISE | HWC 305 | --T-R-- | 1000-1150 |
EXS 373 | PHYSIOLOGY OF EXERCISE | HWC 305 | -M-W--- | 1200-1350 |
PhD in Exercise Physiology: University of Toledo
MS in Exercise Pysiology: West Virginia University
BS in Geology: West Virginia University
Professional experience
Western Oregon University (2008-present)
Hope College (2004-2008)
Eastern Michigan University (1998-2004)
Professional memberships
American College of Sports Medicine
National Strength & Conditioning Association
Teaching Focus
Exercise Physiology
Exercise Training and Motivation
Research Areas
Mechanomyography; H-reflex; general exercise response--particularly musculoskeletal and sports performance
Undergrad courses taught
Exercise Motivation and Adherence
Adv. Topics: Physiology of Exercise
Foundations of Exercise Science
Physiology of Exercise
SS: Performance Training
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