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Misty Weitzel

Assistant Professor, Criminal Justice

(503) 838-8520 | weitzelm@wou.edu | Maaske Hall 203

Ph.D., University of Alberta 2005 (Bioarcheology)

MAIS, OSU 1998 (Archaeology)

B.A., OSU 1992 (Anthropology)

Research: My research is in the field of bioarchaeology. I am interested in combining aspects of physical anthropology and archaeology, specifically the excavation and analysis of human remains in both archaeological and forensic contexts. I am primarily concerned with human taphonomy or all of the environmental and cultural process that influence humans from the time of death to the time of recovery. I have studied these processes at an early Bronze Age cemetery in the Lake Baikal region of Siberia. Currently, I am developing replication experiments in taphonomy in which domestic pigs are used as human analogues as well as analyzing bone from a Bronze Age cemetery in Cyprus.


Teaching: I teach Archaeology at WOU. My other teaching interests are: Osteology, Osteoarchaeology, Mortuary Archaeology, Forensic Anthropology, Physical Anthropology, Biological and Cultural Constructions of Race


Department of Anthropology

503-838-8306| or e-mail: lobnibei@wou.edu