Writing Minor – Academics

Writing Minor

Love to write? Take your skillset to a higher level with this writing-intensive minor. Whether you want to be the next great American novelist or work as an editor in a publishing house, WOU’s writing program can give you the foundational talents you’ll need.

credits required for the Writing minor


of master's degree can be completed as an undergrad at WOU


of students who apply to WOU are selected for admission

student clubs and organizations are waiting to welcome you in

Highlights of the program

    • Explore different types of writing, including scripts, technical writing and creative nonfiction
    • Become an expert on grammar, syntax, punctuation and other nuances of the English language
    • Hone your communication skills to set yourself up for success as a working professional

Example Courses



Professor, Literature and Writing, English Studies Department


Professor, English Studies Department

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QUESTIONS - Writing Minor

15 + 14 =

Contact Us

Phone: 503-838-8325
Fax:  503-838-8056

Email: soderlundl@wou.edu