Wolfie gets a new coat of paint


By: Brianna Bonham
Staff Writer

Paint The Wolf is an annual event that happens during Student Leadership and Activities’ (SLA) Homecoming Week celebration at Western.

The tradition aims to create a deeper sense of community on campus by having first year students repaint and touch up the WOU wolf logo that is located in between Todd Hall and the Werner University Center on Church Street.

The painting depicts Western’s beloved mascot, Wolfie. He became the mascot in 1928, in honor of Coach Larry Wolfe.

This year, SLA hosted a barbeque for students painting the sign so they could enjoy good food while watching the wolf get a new paint job.

“Free food is the best way to get a community together,” said Seth Saechao, a first year elementary education major.

“Student Leadership and Activities and the City of Monmouth agreed to paint the street with the logo … We just hope for good weather!” said Ed E-Nunu the SLA advisor, as he touched up the letters spelling out Western.