Western now has its own student-run Filipino American Club

Written by: Mirella Barrera-Betancourt

Western is home to over 70 clubs and organizations. One of the newest clubs on campus is the Filipino American Association at Western Oregon University. Established in Nov. 2022, FAAWOU is Western’s first and only student-run Filipino American organization.

The first meeting of the club was originally scheduled for Feb. 23. However, due to adverse weather conditions, the meeting was postponed to Feb. 28.

The agenda of the first meeting was to provide students the opportunity to meet the executive committee and learn more about the future and aspirations of the association. 

According to Presence, FAAWOU’s purpose is to encourage the learning of the customs and culture of the Philippines among Filipinos and advocates, as well as promote friendship and coalition amongst Filipinos and Filipino Americans.

Carl Joseph Garon, senior interdisciplinary studies major, is president of FAAWOU. When asked why the establishment of the club was important, Garon said, “I think we, Western, have a diverse community and we often don’t see that enough … Oregon (specifically), is not known to have a lot of Filipino Americans, and not a lot of the Filipino Americans get to see themselves out there, so having this association makes them feel like they’re welcome.”

FAAWOU provides Filipinos and Filipino Americans with a “shoulder to lean on.” The club’s contact information can be readily accessed via Presence or Instagram, which is a great service for students to utilize in the situation where they could use support.

According to Garon, FAAWOU’s “Konseho” — executive committee — largely consists of upperclassmen. The executive members are willing to help fellow Filipino Americans — who may not have the support to find nor access certain services at Western — by pointing them in the right direction. 

The biggest month for FAAWOU is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, to which they are currently in discussion with the Residential Housing Association regarding future events. 

FAAWOU has made it clear that everyone is welcome to join their meetings, regardless of race or ethnicity.

Junior criminal justice major and Vice President of FAAWOU, Marione Corpus said,

“It’s not limited to Filipino Americans, not limited to minority groups, not limited to anyone at all. I really want anyone who is interested in learning about our culture or heritage to join us.”

Garon added, “Filipinos are welcoming people. We’re known to welcome everyone. We’re known to, like, be able to make friendships with everyone. So anyone who’s wanting to join … they’re welcome to join our small little family here (at) Western.”

Because the association is still in its development stage, the organization’s recurring meeting dates and location are yet to be announced. However, according to Garon, Tuesdays operate as the agreed and available arrangement for committee members involved. 

For more information, and to stay updated on future developments regarding FAAWOU, follow their Instagram at @faa.wou or check out their organization on Presence.

Contact the author at howlnews@wou.edu