This week in WOU history

By: Alvin Wilson
Staff Writer

May 3, 1998, CampuScreen Shot 2016-05-01 at 8.50.35 PMs Public Safety responded to a report of a man wielding a handgun outside of Valsetz Dining Hall. Five police cars promptly arrived on campus only to discover that the handgun was a toy cap gun. The cap gun was a prop being used by actors for WSTV, Western’s former student-produced television station. The students involved, despite having a reasonable excuse for possessing the gun look-alike, faced charges of inciting a riot and disorderly conduct.

May 6, 2005, students in professor Jordan Hofer’s Anthropology 399 class prepared fundraisers in an attempt to figuratively adopt a chimpanzee. The final project for this Primatology course, instead of a paper or speech, was to raise funds to sponsor an orphaned chimpanzee with the Jane Goodall Institute. One fundraiser was a raffle for a gift basket which included a stuffed chimp, candy, and a movie coupon from Blockbuster.