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The Tuition Choice: Western gives it’s students the power to decide how they pay tuition


By: Jade Rayner
News Editor

Western Oregon University offers countless opportunities to its students, but one of many that sets Western apart from other universities is the option to choose your own tuition plan upon once being admitted to the university.

The Tuition Choice gives students the power to choose how they want to be billed for tuition in their four years here at Western. The choice outlines two plans: the Tuition Promise, a new plan that offers students a guaranteed fixed-rate tuition for their first four years as an undergrad at Western, and the Traditional Plan which is subject to potential annual tuition increases.

According to the WOU Admissions website, the Tuition Promise is a “save later” plan that is outlined to save students money in the long run. A first time student this year, 2016-2017, on the Tuition Promise would begin with a tuition rate that is about 4.2 percent higher than the 2015-2016 rate, but it will remain unchanged for four years. While the student is estimated to pay more in their first two years at Western, they are set up to potentially save more in their last two years due to annual tuition increases.

On the other hand, the Traditional Plan is a “save now” tuition plan that starts at a lower price, but will shift with annual tuition changes. For a student beginning their undergraduate at Western in the 2016-2017 year, they are estimated by WOU Admissions to save more than $1,000 on tuition and fees in their first year than a student on the Tuition Promise. It is estimated that opposite to the Tuition Promise, the Traditional Plan will save more their first two years, but could end up spending more than the Tuition Promise price their last two years.

When comparing the numbers on the graph provided on the WOU Admissions website, a student could save more altogether on the Traditional Plan, but it isn’t guaranteed since tuition rates are subject to change annually. With the Tuition Promise, a student may end up spending more at first, but there is the potential to save money if tuition rates increase at an unexpected rate.

As a first time student at Western Oregon University you had the chance to choose your own tuition plan. It is important to note that the plan you chose sticks with you for four years, and cannot be changed after your first class here at Western.