The golden rule

Written by: Claire Phillips | Entertainment Editor

One should know how to treat others with respect once they have begun their college journey. I think this should go without saying, as there are many straightforward rules taught to children before the end of elementary school: wash your hands after going to the bathroom; don’t cheat on tests; practice the golden rule.

If you’ve forgotten, here is the definition of the golden rule: treat others the way you want to be treated. It’s truly that simple.

Let’s get this out of the way first. If a friend, foe, peer, professor or supervisor mistreats you, standing up for yourself is the correct course of action. The following article has nothing to do with these types of situations.

College is difficult. I don’t think a single person has graduated with a bachelor’s degree and said, “Wow, that was a breeze.” Between classes, jobs, relationships and the cost of tuition, daily life can be stressful. So, one thing to keep in mind is to be kind to those around you, and your days will become a little bit softer.

There’s not an easy way to say this — grow up. Not everybody has to agree with your opinions, and you don’t have to agree with theirs — but that absolutely does not mean you have the right to attack anyone. Not one single person is the center of the universe.

If you think you know more than a professor with a PhD, you don’t. Collaboration is an incredible thing, and I encourage every student to make as many connections as they can with faculty, however, one way to weaken a potentially lifelong connection and resource is by trying to tell a professor how to do their job.

Sometimes it’s okay to keep quiet. In my two years in college thus far, I’ve observed many students who want to share every opinion and life anecdote that crosses their minds; I used to be that student. Sometimes you can learn more by listening to others’ voices outside of your own, and often you will find your peers will provide you with the same level of attention and feedback.

It’s important to remember that every major is important and useful, and every student is equal. It doesn’t matter what area of study you choose to pursue, we all ended up at Western for a reason and should be supportive of each other’s ambitions. Our differences make the world go around. Putting a peer down will only hurt you in the long run — the good you do for others will eventually come back around. 

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