Mount Hood

It’s the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine

Written by: Claire Phillips | Entertainment Editor

“It’s The End Of The World As We Know It” — R.E.M.

“Skyfall” — Adele

“In a Week” — Hozier feat. Karen Cowley

“Seven Devils” — Florence + The Machine

“Apocalypse Please” — Muse

“Everybody Wants To Rule The World” — Tears For Fears

“(Don’t Fear) The Reaper” — Blue Öyster Cult

“As the World Caves In” — Sarah Cothran

“Exit Music (For A Film)” — Radiohead

“Blue Spotted Tail” — Fleet Foxes

“Losing My Religion” — R.E.M.

“Who Wants To Live Forever” — Queen

“Enjoy the Silence” — Depeche Mode

“Time is Running Out” — Muse

“Bottom of the River” — Delta Rae

“Stare at the Sun” — Mutemath

“I Know It’s Over” — The Smiths

“Alone Again Or” — The Damned

“The Sound of Silence” — Simon & Garfunkel

“Everybody Loves You When You’re Dead” — The Stranglers

“Victory Dance” — My Morning Jacket

“Highway to Hell” — AC/DC

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Campus Voices: sharing their feelings on the mask mandate lifting

Western students answer the question: “What is your raw, honest, unfiltered, opinion about the recent lifting of the mask mandate?

Gretchen Sims | Freelancer

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Name: Ruth Simonsen

Class standing: sophomore

Major: psychology

Pronouns: She/her

“I like seeing people’s faces. I like knowing when I smile at them that they will smile back. I like seeing the faces of people in my clases. Of course there are still fears, but I like being able to put a face to a name and a name to a face. I feel like when you can see people’s faces and can smile at them, it is easier to be friendly. It’s just a better vibe.” 


Name: Makaela Calonder

Class standing: first-year

Major: pre-education

Pronouns: She/her

“Personally, I am very excited about not having to wear masks. I work at a pool, so in general — in my daily life ⏤ it is nice because it gets very hot and sweaty in the mask. Here at WOU it is nice not having to worry about not having one on me at all times. Of course I respect everyone who still chooses to wear a mask, but for me it is really nice.”


Name: Kamryn Bolan

Class standing: first-year

Major: business

Pronouns: She/her

“So far this year, especially as a freshman, I have felt very distant from the community of students here. Over the past two years, it’s like we have forgotten how to socialize. I think there is so much personality revealed in a person’s face, so when you cover half of it up, you have trouble connecting with the person you just met. Going into spring term with masks off has given me a new sort of motivation for going to class. It’s crazy how much seeing the teacher’s face can amplify your engagement.” 


Name: Sienna Painter 

Class standing: junior

Major: American Sign Language studies

Pronouns: She/they

“Throughout the pandemic, I have been very cautious through shutdowns. (I) was not going anywhere other than like the forest during the shutdown. I started wearing a mask in January of 2020 — long before everything. I already had masks because I have been wearing masks since like 2018 whenever I felt sick or whatever, so I was already really comfortable with masks to begin with. For mask mandates being lifted, right now, I am very skeptical–mainly because of Spring Break. We lifted the mask mandate in all of Oregon, California and Washington right before Spring Break — right where all of WOU students would be traveling too. That’s why I am still wearing a mask to all of my classes and will be especially more cautious over the next two weeks. Also, I am like f—–g scared of COVID because of all of the variants and waves and stuff. I have never really minded with masks, but I do think because of our (WOU’s) high vaccination rates, and WOU is a pretty small campus, and people are fairly responsible, I am fairly comfortable with other people not wearing their masks. I also have not felt pressure to take my mask off. I was afraid I would be the only person in my classes not wearing a mask, but people have been pretty chill.”


Name: Max Brayton 

Class standing: first-year

Major: psychology

Pronouns: They/Them

“My parents are more conservative and Republican so they have been against the masks since the beginning and it’s nice to not hear s–t from them anymore. But, you know, with them as my parents, I see different perspectives which is interesting. Although I don’t agree with them, it is nice to have that perspective. I am from southern California and even down there, they are not being as safe as we are (in Oregon). I feel more comfortable not having my mask on here because I know, at least at our school, that more than ninety percent of people are vaccinated. Everyone has been really safe and respectful. Like I feel comfortable wearing, or not wearing, my mask here. I feel like this community has been very welcoming and inclusive and I feel like it’s about time (the mask mandate was lifted). I am a little nervous though. I saw a New York Times article this morning that a new COVID wave is hitting, but I feel like as long as everyone is being safe, I like to have my mask off ⏤ you really connect to people more.”

WOU continues campus-wide mask mandate for fall term

All the details about what is required to maintain the health and safety of all Western students

Mikayla Coleman | News Editor

Going into fall term during the seemingly endless years of the COVID-19 pandemic leaves many Western students and faculty feeling uneasy. According to the Oregon Health Authority, as of Sept. 2021, Oregon alone has reached 318,914 cases and accumulated 3,661 deaths due to the spread of COVID-19. Trying to navigate the rules and regulations for in person learning proves to be daunting and confusing — so here is an in-depth guide for Western students returning to campus this fall.

Sophomore social science major Lindie Larson and sophomore forensic chemistry major Amity Deters follow mask mandates while studying at Hamersly Library.

Where are masks required? Briefly over the 2021 summer break, fully vaccinated students were able to enjoy Western facilities maskless. However, since the development of the delta variant took the world by storm in July, masks have made a valiant return for the safety of everyone on campus. 

All vaccinated and unvaccinated employees, guests, vendors and students must wear a mask on campus when indoors. Masks are required outside when social distance cannot be maintained. 

If students have a disability that prevents them from wearing a face covering, reach out to the Office of Disability Services. 

Something new from the 2020-21 school year is that the campus is open to visitors. Said visitors must adhere to the same rules as students and staff members by wearing a mask when inside and outside. In person tours for prospective students are available by appointment only. 

Are vaccines required? Proof of COVID vaccination is required for all students and employees on campus unless they are able to receive an exemption through the university. The exemption is not limited to just medical reasons — religious or philosophical reasons for being unvaccinated are also being taken into consideration. 

Social distancing guidelines are posted outside the Werner University Center.

What do living situations look like? Living on campus and using high contact shared spaces have caused concern among students. Isolation that has been so heavily recommended throughout the pandemic is nearly impossible to achieve in a dormitory setting. Despite this, first-year students are still required to live on campus as they have been in past years. 

Working through the challenges that come with it, Western has put its best foot forward while preparing for students’ return. Student housing has made an effort to create more single dorm options. Students in residence halls are required to wear masks when not directly inside their assigned room. The university will also provide separate housing for COVID quarantine as needed. 

For students that have a meal plan, the Valsetz Dining Hall will be open with seating arranged for social distancing. Other retail dining options, such as Caffè Allegro, will be open with regular business hours. 

Caffé Allegro encourages social distancing protocols via venti cups.

What do the classroom situations look like? Western offers a wide range of flexible classroom environments to fit different students’ needs including in person, hybrid, online synchronous and online asynchronous courses. 

Western will be implementing contact tracing protocols for those that choose to attend in person classes. If a student participating in an in person class tests positive, all students also taking that course will be notified. 

What do extracurricular activities look like? In person activities such as sports events will be offered in order to provide the Western experience as long as it is deemed safe to do so. 

Creative arts programs expect to be back with concerts, plays, dance productions and art exhibits. Student Engagement plans to have a variety of in person activities to participate in, including clubs, activities and organizations. 

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