Mount Hood

Growing up is bad for you

Written by: Liberty Miller | Lifestyle Editor

t seemed like only yesterday that my biggest concern was feeling nauseous on the 30 minute bus ride back home before getting picked up by my mom at the end of the lane; everything was taken care of, and I had little to no thoughts about the future… back in the day. 

Nowadays, we are all in the unique position of having adult responsibilities like work, the dreaded annual taxes, homework and the understanding that if we sleep wrong, our necks will hurt for the next five days; and yet, we are not quite real adults. College is a buffer where one can undergo a trial phase instead of feeling the crushing reality of adulthood immediately following high school graduation. 

There are a set amount of variables that we can count on to appear as we traverse into our early 20’s: jobs, financial responsibility, stress, challenges and independence. However, I think that there is one big fallacy — a lie that’s been incorporated into our minds by society for years now. 

Childlike wonder, youthful optimism, utter refusal to abide by the stoic and unforgiving rules of society. These are the things we need to carry into the world and possess — in tandem with all of the givens that define adulthood. 

The big lie of society is the predetermined expectation to let these things go. Don’t give up on the smallest of small things that make life joyful because of societal conditioning to be put together, ultra-productive, serious and “mature.” 

If I think that the Wiggles are the greatest musical group to ever exist — bet on it that I’m going to that Wiggles concert. If I feel that crocheting, watching Disney channel or having deep conversations with my stuffed animal is going to bring me even the slightest molecular glimpse of happiness, I am going to do that. 

We supposedly only get the first 18 years of our life to act like a fool, but it takes a brave soul, and some belligerent optimism, to carry on that joyful spirit past the years we’re told are socially acceptable. So my advice is that after reading this article, we go about life doing whatever the hell we feel like doing. 

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Zoomed out from Zoom lectures

Tips for staying awake during online classes

Allison Vanderzanden | Lifestyle Editor

After a full year of classes through Zoom, a lucky few have mastered schooling from home. For the rest of us, the simple task of staying awake for the entire lecture is still daunting. Try these tips for staying awake during online classes.

Start off the day as if classes were in person; get dressed, sit down for a cup of coffee and perform the usual morning routine. Getting up a bit early to do some light exercise can also jumpstart the mind and body so that by class time, they will be ready and alert. 

Though taking class in a cozy bed sounds tempting, it can make one drowsy in a hurry. Instead, work at a designated space, such as a desk or dining table. If still nodding off in this workspace, try standing up for parts of or all of class. 

Active participation contributes to learning and also keeps one alert. Take thorough notes and write down questions to ask when the opportunity arises. Alternatively, contribute to the discussion by answering questions and presenting personal thoughts on the subject. This will keep the brain working and fight off fatigue. 

My personal favorite tip is to eat food or drink something during class. When starting to doze off, give the body something to do by reaching for a snack or drink. Eventually the body will get a boost of energy as well, especially from foods like oatmeal, nuts and fruits. 

If these quick tips aren’t doing the trick, it may be time to re-examine one’s daily routine. Combat drowsiness at the source by getting more and better sleep at night — check out our tips for better sleep article on our website, 

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Sleep soundly with hacks for better sleep

Tips for getting a good night’s rest

Allison Vanderzanden | Lifestyle Editor

Sleep is a very important factor in improving concentration, memory, energy and physical health ⏤ though it is well known that we as college students don’t tend to get enough. If getting more sleep is on the to-do list this year, here are some tips from and that may help get a better night’s rest.

Get the brain into a habit of going to sleep and waking up at about the same time every day, including weekends. Set recurring alarms or reminders on one’s phone, or utilize a sleep app to help stay on track.

Harbor better sleep by making one’s bedroom more comfortable. People tend to sleep better in dark and colder environments, so decrease the amount of light with blinds or curtains, and lower the temperature by adjusting the thermostat or using a fan. Adjust the noise level by using ear plugs, or use an app to play soft sounds.

For those struggling to fall asleep, try relaxation techniques, like taking a bath or drink a warm, decaffeinated beverage before bed. Reading and listening to soft music can also calm the mind. While lying in bed, try meditative techniques like counting backwards from 100 or perform a breathing exercise.

Some changes to daily routine may be necessary to help get more sleep. This may look like turning off electronics at least 30 minutes before bed or avoiding caffeine, sugar or large meals in the late evening. Try to avoid spending time in bed while awake so that the mind only associates laying in bed with sleeping. One can also try incorporating regular exercise into their routines; studies have found that doing small amounts or regular exercise promotes more deep sleep.

If lack of sleep is interfering with daily function, contact a doctor for professional help.

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A-plus study tips for upcoming exams

Ideas to improve your next study session

Allison Vanderzanden | Lifestyle Editor

Midterms are looming and finals always come upon us too quickly to prepare for. It’s probably a broken record by now that cramming is not the best way to study, but it’s true; according to, one long study session generally does not help to truly memorize the information. Instead, plan ahead and utilize these study tips for that big exam.

Firstly, delegate time within the week or so before a test to just study. Find a few one-hour windows to sit down and only focus on the exam material. During these times, get rid of any distractions that might take away from studying, like getting up to snack or checking phone notifications. Take a ten-minute break halfway through the study session if need be, but be sure to come back to it and finish strong.

As for how to study the material, different strategies work for different people depending on their learning style. If reading out of a textbook, try taking notes and writing the information in a new way as opposed to simply copying it. Annotate the readings with highlights, definitions, questions and summaries.

Another approach to try is making flashcards. This will allow for reviewing the key information all at once, and the process of writing or drawing the necessary terms will help the mind memorize them too. Students can also look over old homework, labs and assignments to see how the material was applied. Take the time to redo some earlier problems and questions from memory to identify what mostly needs to be studied.

If friends or family aren’t too busy, attempt to teach them the material. Explaining a concept to another person gives students the opportunity to organize their thoughts and information to help solidify the knowledge. This can be especially helpful for auditory learners to hear the information spoken aloud in a conversational format.

On the night before the exam, it is imperative to get enough sleep. During sleep, information gets consolidated or committed to long-term memory, meaning it can be recalled later on. Plus, fatigue makes it difficult to focus — exactly the opposite of what students need during their test. Study in the days before the test and head to bed early the night before in order to be best prepared.

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