Swim. Cycle. Run.

By: Joleen Braasch 
Staff Writer

Are you ready for the tenth and final WOU Sprint and Triathlon on Saturday, Apr. 23? Registration has begun, and Melissa Bergeland, Assistant Director of Programs for Campus Recreation, and Zachary Holloway, Triathlon Intern, are working hard to make this the biggest and best triathlon in Western’s history!

Start training now to conquer the 500-yard swim in Wolverton Memorial swimming pool, 17.1-mile bike ride on country roads southwest of town, and 3.2-mile run that ends on Western’s track!

Don’t want to compete on your own? Don’t worry, you can compete in a group! Marshall Guthrie, director of the Student Enrichment Program at WOU, competed in a group last year, completing the bike portion of the triathlon.

Guthrie’s team won, and he is proud to show off his accomplishment. Sometimes he wears his medal while he rides, “the way folks wear a superbowl ring,” Guthrie said.

Aside from the competition, Guthrie loves bonding with colleagues, students, and community members; it’s “all the fun of trying to win something without super “agro” competition.”

This may be the final WOU Sprint and Triathlon, but don’t get too bummed; campus recreation may be coordinating an indoor triathlon in the future.

Questions? Search “triathlon” on WOU’s website, or contact Melissa Bergeland at 503-838-8860 or by email at bergelandm@wou.edu.

All registration forms and payments must be received by 5:00 p.m. on Apr. 17.