Sweet as Sugar Lilly’s

By Katrina Penaflor - Staff Writer

Monmouth’s latest edition, a new bake shop called Sugar Lilly, will be opening on Broad Street across from the Tan Republic by Monmouth resident, Sarah Lilly.

Lilly has always carried a passion for baking.

“I’ve been baking my whole life. It is something that I have always enjoyed,” Lilly said. “I think I have always had a bit of a talent for it.”

Her business originally started in her personal home three years ago. After receiving a domestic baking license, Lilly would make cupcakes in her own kitchen and sell them at the Salem Saturday Market.

Customers would flock to her homemade cupcakes that included traditional and gluten-free recipes. Some of the flavors Lilly has featured at the Saturday Market are: s’mores, gluten-free double chocolate, and strawberry with strawberry buttercream.

But weather conditions at the outdoor market only allowed Sugar Lilly to operate for a few months out of the year. When the space became available in Monmouth, Lilly could not pass up the chance to finally open her own shop.

“The opportunity came up with the owners of this place, and I could not turn it away,” Lilly said.
Lilly’s business began with cupcakes, but those will not be the only desserts available at her shop. Sugar Lilly will feature a full dessert menu consisting of pies, cheesecakes, cookies, and more. There will also be a breakfast and lunch menu that will include soups made daily, salads, and sandwiches.

Sugar Lilly will also serve coffee, teas, Italian sodas, and espressos.

Everything in the shop will be made fresh, “nothing processed, [and] everything will be made from scratch,” Lilly said. She said she likes to utilize local products as often as possible and will be able to add to her menu depending on what is available—like fresh cobblers when berries are in season.

Lilly said Sugar Lilly will be “A place you can get a healthy lunch.”

“Everything there is going to be made fresh every day. And real ingredients. We don’t use margarine, fake fats, or lard. Everything is as natural as possible,” Lilly said.

Students will be happy to learn that Sugar Lilly will offer free Wi-Fi, and include a cozy covered patio outside for additional seating. Lilly is also working to develop student and military discounts and punch cards. Free dessert will be given to customers on their birthdays.

“It sounds like a great place for students to go and get a good dessert,” said Courtney Haess, an education major.

Lilly hopes to open the doors to the Sugar Lilly bake shop around May 1.

For more information visit the Sugar Lilly Facebook page at www.facebook.com/SugarLillyGourmetCupcakes