Student confirms rapper B.o.B.’s theory

By: Katrina Penaflor 
Managing Editor

Debates are all the rage these days. I mean, look at all that stuff going on with politics. But the latest one that has the peoples’ attention, or at least whoever checked in on what B.O.B was tweeting on Jan. 24, is whether the earth is round or flat.

A WOU sophomore, who wishes to remain anonymous due to fear of immediate fame, spoke about the science behind this fiasco.

I felt he would be an accurate source since he was carrying a leather briefcase in the science building and claimed to have watched every episode of “Planet Earth” on Netflix.

“Yes, I believe the earth is flat, just like B.o.B. does. He’s only saying what everyone has been thinking forever,” said the sophomore, who for clarity reasons we’ll call Bob (Not to be confused with B.o.B. Look for the periods, people).

Bob went on to give the simplest explanation he could think of that he believed would convert all the “haters.”
“I dropped a basketball on the ground the other day and it didn’t go anywhere. If the earth was round that thing would’ve rolled all the way to the equator. It’s simple science,” he said.

Bob then proceeded to show me a variety of Instagram photos he took during a recent road trip to California where he pointed out all the “totally flat earth shots,” which were just large fields of grass.

“I’ve been on Google earth too. They try and trick you there with a round earth, but zoom in and keep clicking around—it’s all flat.”

Bob said he is grateful for B.o.B for speaking up about something so important. He also thanked his professors in the science department. He felt his former physics classes gave him the knowledge to back up B.o.B.’s claims: “Look, this is my second time taking physics 211. I think I know what I’m talking about.”

Well, after all that, I’m definitely convinced. To side with what B.o.B. himself tweeted, “once you go flat, you never go back.”

The accuracy of these events may be skewed because I wrote the entire thing in yellow crayon on yellow paper. For questions regarding this story please contact TheseAreNotRealE