Speaker, singers, and sweet potato pie

By: Megan Clark
Campus Life Editor

Spirits were roused when the Pacific Room’s doors in the WUC opened to the public for the MLK commemorative dinner on Wednesday, Jan. 20.

The guests were greeted with the sight of beautifully laid out tables laden with water, iced tea, and warm cornbread. Tickets cost $3 for students, and it was well worth it.

The buffet dinner included fried chicken, collard greens, black-eyed peas, and macaroni and cheese followed by a dessert of peach crisps, much like cobbler, and small squares of sweet potato pie.

The Portland Interfaith Gospel choir sang two spirited songs to signal the start of the event. Then, President Rex Fuller, introduced Dr. Eddie Moore, presented a beautiful speech on racism and MLK’s dream.

He posed the audience the question, “Are we moving?” While people may think that progress is being made, there are still inequities prevalent in society regarding race and gender.

He said that one thing college students could do to help defeat racism was to rid themselves of personal biases and become more self-aware in how they act and treat others.

After Dr. Moore’s speech, the essay prizewinners were announced. The event closed out with two more songs performed by the gospel choir.