Rushing to the finish line

 Staff Writer

Kappa Sigma fraternity held multiple events for students April 6-10 during their Rush Week. Events included dodge ball, a game night consisting of video games and cards against humanity, tricycle races, and a “Sig N Slide.”

The fraternity set up a booth outside the Werner Center last week and this week to promote their events and hand out flyers to students.

Hayden Harms, a junior ASL major, said that the turnout for game night was really good.
Devyn Thurman, a junior history major, and also a Kappa Sigma member, said the process for the rush week included every member of Kappa Sigma at Western giving ideas for events “that would be beneficial for meeting prospective members as well as involving other students as much as possible.”

“The goals of Kappa Sigma are to promote leadership, scholarship, relationships with the community as well as personal growth,” Thurman said. “In my experience, all of the gentlemen in Kappa Sigma are dedicated to developing themselves, each other, and relationships with the community.”

The Western Oregon chapter of Kappa Sigma began in May 2013 and currently has 31 active members.

Thurman also said that while the events are “mainly for reaching out to prospective members of the fraternity, [they are] also to show the students at the school that are not involved in Greek life that we are still interested in providing a fun and exciting environment for everyone.”

Thurman added, “Unfortunately in my opinion, there has been a negative attitude surrounding the development of Greek life at this institution, but we are definitely motivated and dedicated to changing that.”

The events were mainly for people to “come, hang out and get to know the brothers,” said Roberto Gomez, a senior economics major, who is also involved with Kappa Sigma.
Church Street was closed Wednesday morning for the tricycle races.

Dolan Kasnick, a senior criminal justice major, raced nine times. He said he enjoyed “the chance to break away from all seriousness of college.”

Harms said the turnout was “bigger than anticipated.” The event was originally a social event put on by the Willamette Chapter of Kappa Sigma, and the Western chapter asked to borrow it from them.

Kappa Sigma also offered free hamburgers and soda to students.

Anyone was able to participate in the tricycle races after signing a liability waiver. Each participant was allowed six pushes total down the hill, and whoever made it past the duct tape at the bottom first was the winner.

The tricycle races were just for fun, but every participant received a free Burgerville milkshake coupon.

Harms also said to expect more events.

“We might do this event again next year,” he added.