Read an interview to learn how the choir department has adapted

Never Retallack |  Entertainment Editor

During this time where students’ daily lives are being greatly affected, read this interview with Tonya Bradley —  a junior at Western majoring in Education — to find out how her experience with choir in the music department has changed.


Can you explain how the choir groups, Chamber Singers and Concert Choir, that you are affiliated with have changed?

We are meeting online in small groups this term through Zoom. We are focusing on tuning our musical ear and doing an online concert this term.


What are some of the hardest parts when it comes to adjusting to the quarantine with choir for you?

We are meeting through Zoom and only with our voice section which is hard. We are super close as an ensemble, so it’s really tough. More than a few tears have been shed.


I remember there were travel plans for the choir in the Summer, has there been an update on if those are still happening?

Yes! The World Choir Games have been moved to July 2021. As of this time we are still going to Amsterdam and Belgium.


I understand you are taking music classes through the school, what are those like?

The only music class I am taking is choir, but most classes are occurring over Zoom from what I have been told.


How do you believe social distancing will affect the program throughout this term?

Most concerts are being recorded and put online. We aren’t able to have normal practices or access practice rooms or the Midilab. It’s going to be a very hard term because we have nowhere to practice or pianos to use.


Do you have any general thoughts or feelings on the subject that you’d like to share?

If you have friends who are in any of the arts departments, reach out! A lot of people have it especially hard, and they will appreciate your thoughts.


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Photo courtesy of Western Oregon Choral Music Department