Q&A: Welcoming Lisette Cervantes to Abby’s House

Bailey Thompson | News Editor

Can you tell me a bit about your new position?

I work with both Abby’s House and the Food Pantry. So, for Abby’s House, that is the Bilingual Advocate part. And that’s giving direct service to victims and survivors. And for the Outreach Coordinator part, it’s through the Food Pantry — supervising and helping with food insecurities around campus.

What is one fun fact about you that people might not expect?

I love skateboarding… I’ve been practicing at it, and I really enjoy that. Also, I used to want to be a pastry chef.

What did your life look like before entering this position?

I recently just graduated this last term. So, it’s pretty fresh right now. Starting my freshman year, I did mentoring for two years with the MCR (Multicultural Representatives) program, and that is being a mentor for two to three incoming freshmen who are low-income, first-generation or (have) diverse backgrounds… And then I’ve been an advocate with Abby’s House for three years and two of those where I was the office coordinator here. And I was a research assistant with the suicide prevention grant here on campus. I also did an internship at Sable House, so that definitely helped prepare me for this position.

What about this position drew you to apply and stick around after graduating?

I’m very passionate about advocacy and helping underrepresented people — just bringing more inclusivity and resources to our campus. Being bilingual is a new thing for us, and I think that’s a great thing to have to support people even more.

What are some of your favorite things about Monmouth and the Western community?

I really like that it’s a small community, so we’re able to just be more personal and help more people. It’s very welcoming. Also, I’m an undocumented student, and I’ve found a lot of support from Western and their different programs.

How do you think that this position will challenge you moving forward?

I think it’s a challenge going from someone who is a part of a team … to now being more of a leader and being in charge. But, I think also doing more outreach because a lot of people don’t know about our services — so getting the word out there is important.

What is one goal that you have for Abby’s House or the Food Pantry in the future?

I think I would just like us to be even more inclusive. We’re adding these roles that I think will help to just house things in one place instead of having to navigate through this whole system. So, definitely just being a place where people can come to be safe and welcome and to get the support that they need.


Contact the author at howlnews@wou.edu

Photo by Bailey Thompson