An opportunity to love and support yourself and others

By: Jasmine Morrow
Staff Writer

Triangle Alliance is a social organization and club on campus for the LGBT+ community, as well as anyone else who wants to join. There’s a meeting every week on Wednesdays from 4-5 p.m. in the Health & Wellness Center room 301

The meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 2 began with everyone introducing themselves to the group to participate in what they call the Whip Around. Triangle Alliance’s Vice President, Sydney Culpepper, talked about and described polyamory. Discussing with the group that polyamory is being in a committed relationship with two or more people with consent and understanding.

During the hour meeting, the attendees also participated in events and games. On a slideshow were bad movie plot descriptions and everyone had to guess the movie title. It got somewhat competitive, but in the end, everyone had fun and was laughing at the horrible and funny plot descriptions. While people were guessing the movie titles, President Casi Healy gave everyone an incentive ticket. Incentive tickets are handed out at meetings and serve as an opportunity for meeting attendees to win a prize. The prize this week was a rainbow colored lanyard.

Towards the end of the meeting, there was an opportunity to talk about what is going on in everyone’s lives; the good and the bad. If someone shared something sad, Sam Stageman, the activities director, would pull up pictures of puppies to lighten the mood and to make everyone feel better. The meetings are always helpful and everyone is supportive of one another. There are upcoming events that the Triangle Alliance is hosting, look around campus for posters to make sure you don’t miss a wonderful time.

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