Celebrating culture and identity

Celebrating culture and identity

Sam Dunaway | News Editor Multicultural Student Union, one of the longest running clubs on Western’s campus, demonstrated their mission of promoting diversity and cultural awareness through their most recent event, Out and Proud. The weeklong celebration focused on...

Art as a metaphor for life

Art as a metaphor for life

Sam Dunaway | News Editor What humans leave behind can tell a story of their lives. It can impact future generations, either positively or negatively, for years to come. Senior Eric Frey captured this concept in a multi-media sculpture displayed behind Bellamy Hall...

Time for political action

Time for political action

Natalie Dean | Freelancer Dennis Richardson, the current Oregon Secretary of State, visited Western’s campus on Jan. 30 to promote local politics and expand education around state government issues. Secretary Richardson spoke of his own political journey starting with...

Stay updated on the Tuition Advisory Committee

Sam Dunaway | News Editor What is the Tuition Advisory Committee?            The Tuition Advisory Committee is a committee composed of Western students, faculty and staff that want a voice in how tuition dollars are spent. Led by President Rex Fuller and interim Vice...

Helping Western students succeed

Sam Dunaway | News Editor Week five can be a stressful time in a college student’s life. When midterm exams, essays and projects start to pile up, the Student Success and Advising Office can be an important resource to keep on track and receive academic help. The...

Giving a voice to student concerns

Giving a voice to student concerns

Sam Dunaway | News Editor Current Western students may have noticed a recent email in their inbox from university president Rex Fuller. The email emphasized Western Oregon University values such as community, diversity and respect, and introduced the recently...

WOU Campus Garden provides locally sourced food

Sam Dunaway | News Editor Located behind the old education building is a small patch of land known as the WOU Campus Garden. The garden, now eight years old, aims to give students and community members the opportunity to learn how to garden while providing fresh...

Western discusses wellness

Western discusses wellness

Sam Dunaway | News Editor The Jan. 24 Health and Wellness Fair at the Peter Courtney Health and Wellness Center provided an opportunity for students to learn more about all aspects of health, from physical fitness to mental well-being. The event, organized by the...