LGBTQ+ activist encourages honesty and bravery

LGBTQ+ activist encourages honesty and bravery

Sam Dunaway | News Editor “Find something that scares you just a little tiny bit, do that thing, and then repeat steps one and two. And pretty soon you’ll find yourself doing extraordinary things.” This advice was just a small portion of the empowering and genuine...

City of Monmouth clamps down on unlawful parking

City of Monmouth clamps down on unlawful parking

Byron Kimball | Staff Writer Students attempting to avoid buying a parking permit may be in for a surprise. Recent changes to how parking will be enforced in downtown Monmouth are set to impact students parking at numerous local businesses around the city. Among these...

Western students to aid in natural disaster relief

Western students to aid in natural disaster relief

Sam Dunaway | News Editor For students that wish to make a meaningful impact by serving others, travel nationally or internationally and experience life outside of their comfort zone: Western’s Alternative Break program may be a great place to start. The Alternative...

Meet the Dean

Meet the Dean

Sam Dunaway | News Editor How long have you been at Western? “28 and a half years.”   What’s your favorite part of your job? “The favorite part of my job is getting to know our students and I also work with an amazing staff.”   What are your favorite hobbies...

Curriculum changes coming this fall

Curriculum changes coming this fall

Sam Dunaway | News Editor Western is currently the only public university in Oregon that requires a minor for all students. However, beginning fall 2018, many students will have the opportunity to opt out of a minor while still working toward obtaining 180 credits....

Western celebrates Black History Month

Western celebrates Black History Month

Sam Dunaway | News Editor As February comes to a close, students reflect on events that stimulated engaging conversations, provided an artistic outlet and aimed to educate the public during Black History Month. Organized by Black Student Union, Western’s Black History...

Rising against sexual violence

Sam Dunaway | News Editor Feb.14 was a day filled with love and cherished relationships, but it also marked the anniversary of a powerful movement called One Billion Rising. Abby’s House spent the afternoon educating Western students on this campaign to raise...

University Lobby Day sees significant student turnout

University Lobby Day sees significant student turnout

Byron Kimball | Freelancer A large student turnout and multiple meetings with state legislators were just a few defining factors of this year’s University Lobby Day on Feb. 15. Advocates from seven Oregon universities and colleges, including Western, Portland State,...

Empowered and educated through ALICE

Empowered and educated through ALICE

Sam Dunaway | News Editor Safety is a number one priority in most public institutions and unfortunately, active shooters are a reality in United States schools. The lockdown response to turn off lights, cover and hide is what many students grow up learning. But this...