WUC changes coming this fall

Sam Dunaway | News Editor Ever since the joining of Wolf Express and Caffe Allegro during the summer of 2017, the space previously occupied by the Wolf Express convenience store has remained empty. But students coming back to Western in fall 2018 will find the space...

The Pacific Island experience

The Pacific Island experience

Caitlyn Nakatsukasa | Staff Writer Western’s Hawaii Pacific Island Harmony Club’s 12th annual lu’au took place on Saturday, April 12. The lu’au was hosted by the WOU Hawaii Pacific Island Harmony Club and Pasefika, a group from Salem, Oregon that introduces the spirit...

Exploring the great outdoors

Exploring the great outdoors

Sam Dunaway | News Editor From crusading through Death Valley, whitewater rafting on the Deschutes and exploring the wonders of Oregon — the Natural Science Club gives students the opportunity to experience the natural world outside of a classroom. “It provides these...

Advocating for student rights

Advocating for student rights

Sam Dunaway | News Editor With clipboards in hand, several individuals were out on the sidewalks in mid-April encouraging students to register to vote for the upcoming primary election on May 15. Among these advocates are members of the Oregon Student Association, or...

27,660 flags, 13 million lives

27,660 flags, 13 million lives

Sam Dunaway | News Editor One by one, volunteers drive colorful flags into the soggy grass on Monmouth Avenue. Rain is the only sound that can be heard as the students, staff and faculty silently reflect on the annual display —  27,660 flags that represent the deaths...

Bringing students together, one egg at a time

Bringing students together, one egg at a time

Sam Dunaway | News Editor The WOU Student Veterans of America and Residence Hall Association took on the role of the Easter bunny during the second week in April, for their second annual Easter Egg Hunt. Eggs scattered around campus invited determined students to take...

Meet the candidates

Meet the candidates

Sam Dunaway | News Editor With spring term comes the campus-wide event that decides who will represent the student body in 2018-2019: the ASWOU elections. Voting for the elections will begin on April 23 and will continue for at least a week, or until 10 percent of the...

Tuition expected to rise again

Tuition expected to rise again

Sam Dunaway | News Editor A proposed 4.03 percent increase in resident undergraduate tuition for the 2018-2019 academic year is up for approval by the Board of Trustees on April 18. This proposal follows last year’s 6.4 percent tuition increase for 2017-2018. This...

How to start a club

Sam Dunaway | News Editor While Western provides over 60 chartered clubs and organizations for students to get involved in, students have the ability to create a new club at any time during the school year. Whether it’s an academic science club or a recreational video...

New general education will replace LACC

New general education will replace LACC

Sam Dunaway | News Editor Most Western students are familiar with the Liberal Arts Core Curriculum, or LACC: the set of degree requirements designed to build a solid foundation of knowledge for students as they work toward obtaining their degree. But the LACC course...