Oktoberfest put on by Western German Club

Oktoberfest put on by Western German Club

Bailey Thompson | News Editor In the courtyard of the Werner University Center on Oct. 10, popular German music blasted through speakers and the smell of German food wafted through the air: the members of German Club had prepared a feast for the whole Western...

Western hosts a candidate forum

Western hosts a candidate forum

Bailey Thompson | News Editor 13 candidates — two for representative, four for mayor, and seven for city council — gathered together on the evening of Oct. 5 to discuss key issues that were concerning to the citizens of Monmouth and Independence, as well as students...

Brett Kavanaugh confirmed to the Supreme Court

Bailey Thompson | News Editor The American people were subjected to months of controversy when President Donald Trump, on July 9, chose Brett Kavanaugh as his nominee for Supreme Court Justice. Kavanaugh has been involved in the political realm for a number of years....

“WOU in Salem”

“WOU in Salem”

Bailey Thompson | News Editor Addressing the crowd in his annual State of the University Address on Sept. 17, President Rex Fuller spoke about the “WOU in Salem” project, which will begin offering classes in January 2019. The program was designed largely with adult...

Disc golf pick-up

Disc golf pick-up

Bailey Thompson | News Editor Working contentedly in the afternoon heat on Sept. 28, the members of Kappa Sigma fraternity had set one goal for themselves: to clean up the disc golf course. The seven members in attendance picked up trash and spread bark dust around...

A legacy of support

A legacy of support

Bailey Thompson | News Editor Throughout his time at Western, Director of the Veterans Resource Center Andrew Holbert has diligently helped student veterans acclimate to the college environment and provided them with a home at the Veterans Resource Center. Under his...

New year, new Moodle

Bailey Thompson | News Editor With the first week of classes under their belts, many students have likely have noticed that Moodle, the website where they access their classes online, has profited from a substantial update. Although many things remain unchanged, there...

Rolling out of town

Rolling out of town

Bailey Thompson | News Editor After only a few short months of students riding orange bicycles around Monmouth, the SPIN Bikeshare company decided to move in another direction. Although the bikes were widely utilized during their time on campus — between the months of...