New Club Comes to Campus

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By: Zoe Strickland
Northwest Passage Editor-in-Chief

Interested in photography? Western has a new club for you, and you don’t even have to leave your bed to go to the meetings.

After noticing the lack of a photography club on campus, Jim Bragdon, senior graphic design major, decided that it was time to start one. Formed last term, Photography Club is still looking for new members who want to share and talk about their photography.

The meetings are held online through the forums and gallery section of OrgSync. Though one day they may include in person meetings, the current online format is deliberate. The club has found that meeting online makes it easier for non-traditional students and commuters to interact with each other and be involved in the Western community.

For Bragdon, creating the club has a sense of sentimentality.

“Photography is my life and my passion, has been since I was young,” said Bragdon. “Recently I fell in love with teaching also, so through the club I can pursue both and help others to get better along the way.”

He hopes that having a club focused on photography will help students incorporate art into their lives.

“[I want to] showcase the talents of the students in this university, to nurture interest in photography and create great work that communicates and inspires.”

Club goers participate in online critiques and discussions of photography, as well as hold photography contests.

If you are interested in joining Photography Club, you can do so by searching the “Organizations” tab on OrgSync, or by contacting the club adviser Dan Tankersley at

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