Sam Dunaway | News Editor
Western offers over 60 clubs and organizations that students can choose to be involved in. These clubs are created and led by students to enrich the college experience. The newest organization on campus is the Western Oregon University Democrats club, whose purpose is to give all students a place to express their political views and raise awareness of political issues at the local, state and national levels.
After transferring to Western from Chemeketa Community College, senior political science major Steve Bell hoped to find a Democrats organization on campus.
“I noticed that there was a very strong Republican club,” Bell noted. “There’s also a really nice foundation of students that want to get involved that don’t have that outlet, if they have more of a Democrat minded perspective.”
Bell decided to take matters into his own hands and begin the process of starting an organization on campus. Collaborating with political science majors Rubi Tapia and Cristian Urzua, the students founded the club as a project for a civic engagement class. All three individuals have a background in political science, including internships with elected officials and student government positions.
When asked why this club is important, Urzua replied, “I feel like the club comes in handy in allowing students of any view to join in and speak their minds and get engaged on campus. That is part of the college experience.”
According to OrgSync, the purpose of the organization is to promote the principles of the Democratic Party, assist in the functioning of the Democratic Party at all levels of government and help its members develop political and leadership skills.
The club, which meets Fridays at 1 p.m. in the Rogue room of the Werner University Center, is an open space for everyone to share opinions and ideas.
“We are not exclusively just Democrats,” Urzua emphasized. “We accept every different political view. We’re open to deliberation, discussion and debate and we welcome everyone. Just because it says WOU Democrats, doesn’t mean it’s just Democrats.”
Find more information about the Western Oregon University Democrats on OrgSync.
Contact the author at journalnews@wou.edu