Musings from a woman on the edge

By: Katrina Penaflor 
Managing Editor

It’s dead week and, yes, I’m completely, 100 percent, totally dead.

The burnout of week 10 has hit me the hardest this year. Maybe it’s because I’m a senior, maybe it’s because I only have one more term left after this, or maybe it’s because the work load for my classes has piled up so high I can’t see past it.

I always thought dead week was the time where classes basically stopped and my only focus was worrying about my upcoming finals the following week.

But sadly, that isn’t the case. I’m still chipping away at a paper due in two days that I have a substantial amount of work left to do, organizing a term’s worth of homework for a 100 level LACC—yes, I am the senior who put these kinds of classes off until the last minute—and struggling to start or even think about any of the things I have to turn in next week, or the tests I have to take.

I can only imagine the struggle of the students who are graduating at the end of this term. By week 10 of spring term I imagine the last thing on my mind will be the homework and projects I need to turn in before graduating.

I understand my column this week is basically me just complaining—okay, it’s totally me just complaining—but sometimes when it comes to school, students just run out of juice.

I can only handle so many eight page papers and class projects. I can only handle so much reading and writing. I have all this to worry about and work on top of that, as well as everything else going on in my life.

Just a week’s more worth of work before spring break. That’s it. Dead week you’ve temporarily killed me again, but I’ll be up and running again at the start of week term.

Countdown to graduation: three more months.

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