Musings from a woman on the edge


By: Katrina Penaflor 
Managing Editor

Drop your pitchforks made out of red Starbucks cups and find a real problem to complain about.

The controversy over Starbucks’ holiday cups is seriously getting out of control.

The argument spurring all this is that the cups, being an ombre of red, are not “holiday enough” and are somehow a war against Christianity in their minimalist approach of decorations and lack of “Merry Christmas.”

Please, overly-opinionated coffee drinkers of the world and self-proclaimed argument starters, stop centering a holiday around a cup that holds coffee.

This controversy is about something that is literally getting tossed into the trash when it’s done being used.
This is why I’m just not understanding all the hate.

So there are no snowflakes printed on it, or there isn’t a “Merry Christmas” sprawled across the cup in beautiful cursive script. I guess that means Christmas is ruined forever.

There’s no hope for any holiday spirit because my cup of coffee was served in a plain red cup.

Will the next debate be against a coffee shop that doesn’t have holiday cups at all? Quick, everyone go boycott a café who uses the same cups all year and clearly lacks holiday spirt.

I don’t care if my coffee cup has holiday pictures printed on it, or if the colors don’t fit the traditional holiday mold of what Christmas cheer should look like.

A coffee cup does not define a religion. A coffee cup does not define holiday spirit.

I don’t believe for one second that Starbucks created these cups as some war on Christianity or to eliminate holiday cheer.

People need to settle down and stop trying to create a problem out of something that’s a non-issue.

So if anyone wants to complain about getting handed a red holiday cup from Starbucks, please take at least five minutes to reassess your life, and be grateful that you can even afford the luxury of having a cup of coffee.