Musings from a woman on the edge

By: Katrina Penaflor 
Managing Editor

Shia, Shia, Shia. You and your fake-sounding-but-definitely-real last name have done something I so desperately wish I could have been a part of.

For those who aren’t aware, the actor Shia LaBeouf staged a three day long screening of all of his films in reverse chronological order at the Angelika Film Center in New York.

The performance-art project was titled “All My Movies” and gave fans of the actor an opportunity to sit in the theater and watch LaBeouf watch his own films.

Or, I guess audience members could watch the films too, but if it was me in the audience, I would definitely be looking at LaBeouf’s own candid reactions.

There also was a livestream focused entirely on the actor’s face for anyone who couldn’t make it to get a look.

The viewing spanned over three days and started with LaBeouf’s most recent film “Man Down” and ended with his first work “Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind.”

So what was the point in all this?

Is Shia LaBeouf secretly working on some genius scheme to win over all the fans he lost (don’t worry I stuck around) when he went off his rocker and wore a bag over his head that read “I am not famous anymore?”

Or is this an apology for all his outrageous outbursts and decisions? Just to clear the air, yes, I do include him acting in the Indiana Jones reboot in that category that requires apology.

Or is this really some deep, meaningful piece of performance-art that says so much more than we all think it does?

Well, how am I supposed to know? The exact point of this is yet to be made clear, but after the movies finished the actor did say, “I walked out loving myself.”

So perhaps he was just trying to connect again with society, and his fans, and his work.

But one thing I can say for certain is the actor/performance-artist just sat for three days straight and watched all his movies with a bunch of random people filtering in and out of the theatre, and that’s pretty freakin’ awesome.

My one complaint: where was the Disney Channel original movie “Tru Confessions” in this mix? Shia, why did you leave one of my favorite ones out?

To watch the recorded livestream of the actor visit