Sam Dunaway | News Editor
When Greek letters are displayed campus-wide, it can only mean one thing – fraternity and sorority new member recruitment.
There are currently four Greek organizations established on Western’s campus: Omega Delta Phi, Kappa Sigma, Alpha Chi Omega and Kappa Delta Chi. Each organization has its own mission, philanthropy and standards that Western students can learn more about.
Omega Delta Phi is a multicultural service-based men’s fraternity with the philosophy “One culture, any race.” The traditional values upheld by the fraternity are unity, honesty, integrity and leadership. According to the Omega Delta Phi national website, individuals in the fraternity aim to “form an organization which not only challenges the traditional perception of fraternities, but also one with deals with the issues of culture and race for a completely new perspective.” Omega Delta Phi’s philanthropy is through Court Appointed Special Advocates, a national organization that provides advocates for abused or neglected children.
Kappa Sigma is a values-based men’s fraternity focused on the four pillars of fellowship, scholarship, leadership, and service. According to kappasigma.org, the fraternity aims to promote the ideal of brotherhood, promote ethical behavior, encourage service to others and contribute to the personal growth of its members. Kappa Sigma’s philanthropy is the Kappa Sigma Fraternity Military Heroes Campaign, which advocates for veterans and men and women wounded in combat.
Kappa Sigma is tabling every day during weeks one and two of winter term to recruit new members. Check them out in the WUC from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. for more information on how to join.
Alpha Chi Omega is a social-based sorority on Western’s campus. According to the sorority’s national website, “The real, strong woman is what we aim to help Alpha Chi Omegas become in their four years of college and beyond. It’s what we’re most proud of, and the outcome we’re committed to creating for each member.” The sorority selects its members based on the five national standards of membership: academic interest, character, financial responsibility, leadership ability, and personal development. Alpha Chi Omega’s philanthropy is domestic violence awareness.
Alpha Chi Omega members will be recruiting in the WUC from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Jan. 10 and Jan. 11 and again from Jan. 16 to Jan. 18. Stop by for more information on joining the organization.
Kappa Delta Chi is a multicultural community service-based women’s sorority that values unity, honesty, integrity, and leadership. Stated on the chapter website, Kappa Delta Chi members “blossom into committed leaders, are able to network with our remarkable alumnae, and continue to serve as civic leaders well past their graduation.” The national philanthropy of Kappa Delta Chi is the American Cancer Society.
Greek organizations can be an excellent way to get involved on campus. Alpha Chi Omega president Julia Webster comments, “Just joining anything on campus is a great way to stay connected to the community and find your place to fit in.”
Visit OrgSync for more information on Greek organizations and upcoming events.
Contact the author at journalnews@wou.edu