Letter to the Editor

Nathan Soltz

I was glad to see the Howl covering the ongoing gubernatorial race. However, I became troubled when the column on Governor Brown very clearly pointed out what her “critics have complained about,” but nowhere did Buehler’s column state criticisms about him and one doesn’t have to look far to form a long list: wanting to repeal Oregon’s anti-racial profiling law, voting to take away health care from 430,000 Oregonians, and opposing increases in school funding are just a few of his umpteen questionable stances.

Additionally, Buehler’s column called him “a pro-choice candidate who both believes in climate change and supported the legalization of gay marriage.” However, both the Planned Parenthood PAC of Oregon and NARAL Pro-Choice Oregon have endorsed Governor Brown and unambiguously stated that Buehler, who voted against the Reproductive Health Equity Act and supports stripping access to safe and affordable abortion services from 350,000 Oregonians, is not pro-choice.

Regarding “believing in climate change,” accepting scientific consensus is a low bar for praise and it should be noted that Buehler voted against Oregon’s Clean Fuels bill to reduce carbon pollution and he opposed a moratorium on fracking. He also received an “F” rating from the Oregon League of Conservation Voters while Governor Brown received their endorsement.

While Buehler supports basic rights for members of the LGBTQ community, he is running against the country’s first openly LGBTQ governor and has even questioned Governor Brown’s commitment to supporting the rights of the LGBTQ community. Also note that Governor Brown has received the endorsement of the Basic Rights Oregon Equality PAC.

While voters should be informed about the gubernatorial candidates and I appreciate the Howl’s article attempting to do that, it’s important that voters know the truth about the candidates instead of just what one would like people to believe.